Helo, Is it possible to pass value from application.properties to @Column annotation in entity? I tried this: @Column(name = "${foo.column-name}") private Strin
I am working on spring batch with spring boot 2.X application, actually its existing code i am checked out from git. While running the application it fails due
i have created an annotation that has features such as checking if the entered string is null or at the assigned value.But the annotation doesn't work. I don't
I have the following variable in my POJO class being used to load the correct saved data into a form: @JsonDeserialize(using=YearMonthDeserializer.class) @JsonS
I would like a simple, preferably annotation-based way to inject external properties into a java program, without using the spring framework (org.springframewor
I want to configure the fixedDelay in seconds in my properties file, then I want to convert it to millis in @Scheduled annotation. I expected this to work: @Sch