I am using webclient in springboot application to call a external restful webservice. getting this exception intermittently. javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSLEngi
I want my application to use r2dbc drive when running and jdbc to handle the database with Liquibase. I have this as a reference. It is possible by adding the c
My requirement is to receive an encrypted request of content-type text/plain. Using the zuul pre filter I will have to decrypt the request and forward the decry
I'm trying to create my own spring boot starter for my custom security configuration (LDAP + JWT) via defining configuration class which extends from WebSecurit
Is it possible to mix two authentication modes? Internal user: Azure ad External user: form authentication So far I have this: @EnableWebSecurity @EnableGlobalM
In my project, i use basically microservice architecture, spring boot, spring cloud and gradle etc. When i tried to Gradle build, it takes error but when i trie
I am trying to connect node-red with rabbitMQ. The program will recive a text with the diet that the AI chose for each day. I made the rabbitMQ Configure java f
Recently I have been working with WebClient. I am creating both a sync request and an async request. In a sync request, I am able to catch WebClientResponseExce
I'm experiencing trouble with multipart data for a reason I don't understand. I can't deserialize a Map. Below is the Controller: @Override @PostMapping
I have a following piece of code @SpringBootApplication public class ServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.
i cant find a way to add the Bearer and on the localhost:8080 I get this This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallb
I'm searching since days now for a solution and can not find any. I have a simple Spring Boot Rest application (Spring version 2.6.7) with an endpoint to upload
Is there any way to add dependencies to existing spring project using Spring CLI (for instance via shell)? I tried to looked for on this website docs.spring.io.
I have an application running camel on spring-boot. I want to pass a parameter retriesAllowed to a namedQuery from a camel route. namedQuery: @NamedQuery(name =
I need to launch application with fxgl animations with springboot to utilize it's functionality. I dont really know how to do it. I tried putting initialization
I'm new to azure cosmos db. i'm trying to read items from container in my spring boot application. i'm using cosmos template with criteria. lets say i have a do
I'm working with Spring Boot/Spring Batch, and need to provide two jdbc Data Sources. I can't find a way to automatically load the config parameters from my app
I'm trying to deploy a Spring Boot app through Eclipse to a WebLogic server running localhost. It gives the following error: org.springframework.context.Applica
Please suggest any solution for the below exception which is occuring while running my rest api while executing springboot application with mongodb cloud db. I
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is acce