I'm currently developing a spring boot application and would like to see some kind of real-world examples of how big spring boot projects can be architectured.
I tried to run a scheduled task in my Spring-Boot application, using the default applicationConfig - I only added the annotation @EnableScheduling and configure
I have a controller with several endpoints. Every endpoint is mapped to a service which could return 200 or throw an exception, that is then handled and will re
I want to generate unique keys at run time across regions and the key generation will be owned by master region. I will have one table with one column(key) with
Unfortunately, I am unable to deal with the error. I have 2 id's of which the "mieszkanie" is owned by the "deweloper". Would anyone be able to help?
I want to run code after my spring-boot app starts to monitor a directory for changes. I have tried running a new thread but the @Autowired services have not
I have this, but I don't find any possible solution. All the answers I found was about configuring two or more Datasource or Multitenant Dabatase, but It is not
I have a spring boot API hosted at Heroku and when I try to access it via a Angular app in Google Chrome (In Firefox it works fine) I'm facing the following pro
I am currently working on a Spring boot project. Recently I upgraded the version of my Spring boot from 2.3.3 to 2.6.6. In Spring boot 2.3.3 I was using Spring
the default size of page is 20, I want to be able to get all elements from endpoint url. to get 30 elements I set size like below : http://localhost:8080/api/in
flyway.password=pwd2 #does not take effect flyway.user=user2 #does not take effect spring.datasource.username=user1 spring.datasource.password=pwd1 user1/pwd1
I had this Aspect working then all of a sudden it stopped. @AfterThrowing all classes in and below the pointcut. You can see I added a constructor to the Aspe
My spring boot project is using JPA hibernate annotation in entity classes. I have my own generic repository and I'm NOT getting the Hibernate SessionFactory fr
I use @MockBean of spring boot (with @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)) and everything was ok so far. However the mock provides default implementation for every meth
I want to configure logging in spring boot application. I have configure logback-spring.xml. The sample of logback-spring.xml is located on here and sample of a
I keep getting this annoying error from Checkmarx code scanner, Method getTotalValue at line 220 of src\java\com\example\PeopleController.java gets user input
I want to write a test for controller. Here is test snippet: @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebMvcTest(WeatherStationController.class) @ContextConfiguration(cla
I have a simple question about exception handling. I currently have an application divided into multiple layers: controller, service, repository, and my questio
Any help appreciated ! I have a spring boot application to be connected to couchbase with following details Repository interface @Repository public interf
Here's my Spring Boot config @SpringBootApplication public class ServicesApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.