Category "spring-boot"

MapStruct - Cannot find implementation

Using latest Springboot and MapStruct versions and building with Maven, I am trying to implement the "Start Here" example given in the official MapStruct site

Access Headers at any time when implementing org.springframework.validation.Validator

I have a Spring Boot Application where I need to perform some validation over the request's fields based on a header value. So like any other Spring Boot App m

MapStruct implementation is not working in Spring Boot Web Application

I am a newbie to Spring Boot and MapStruct Tool. Earlier, A Project(written by other team using these technologies) is not starting up. Then, I had made some

How to read Spring Boot application log files into Splunk? [closed]

I am looking to send log data from the application to Splunk. I came to know that there is nothing to do with spring, it's just Splunk needs s

I am trying to connect my spring boot application with Azure service bus. Should I be using JMS or azure spring cloud stream binder?

I found these two docs in Spring Azure Documentation

Spring cloud function in azure throws null pointer exception

I have spring cloud function deployed to azure function app.The API works perfectly fine in the local developer machine. Whereas when deployed to azure, upon ca

Sleuth doesn't show the trace id and the span id

I am trying to run a Spring Boot application and trace its execution with the support of Sleuth. The log shows the service name, but nothing for the trace id or

SpringBoot 2.6.3 not binding @ConfigurationProperties on List of Objects

I know this must be simple, and I've seen multiple similar questions, however my entire setup seems to be ok (as solutioned in the other posts), yet this proble

How to avoid double-encoding of [] when using Spring RestTemplate?

I've a Spring Boot 2.2.5 application calling this REST endpoint @RequestMapping(path = "/usable/search") public List<Provider> findUsable( @Request

Spring Boot shutdown hook

How can I register/add a custom shutdown routine that shall fire when my Spring Boot application shuts down? Scenario: I deploy my Spring Boot application to a

Mono class in Java: what is, and when to use?

I have this following code: import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.reactive

Connecting Mongodb Atlas from Spring boot

I i am new to the Mongodb with Spring Boot.And i have MONGODB ATLAS URI Connection String mongodb://userName:<PASSWORD>@icarat-shard-00-00-7lopx.mongodb.

How to generate json data from Json Schema Programmatically in Java

I am trying to create Body-parameter(JSON) for my POST Api , which is a JSON request . All I have is the JSON Schema . I am trying to come up with a list of dif

How to resolve the Exception from WebTestClient?

How can I achieve the following with WebTestClient? @Autowired private MockMvc mvc; mvc.perform(req) .andExpect(status) .andReturn().getResolve

Why I get 404 error in spring boot post request using Thymeleaf

I user spring boot to create an integral calculator. I got a strange 404 error while I try to handle post request. Here is my controller class that should handl

Exception in thread "main" java.time.DateTimeException: Invalid value for MonthOfYear (valid values 1 - 12): 0 when i am using Google Map jar

I am working on Geo Fencing So I am using Google Dependencies "android-maps-utils" and "geopackage-android-map" I installed these jar in my system and using t

Use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for Springboot applications

I need to use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for my Springboot apps. Using RabbitMQ, Kafka or activeMQ is straight forward with Springboot and there are to

Using @TestConfiguration doesn't work as Context for @SpringBootTest

I've written an integration test that uses @SpringBootTest annotation. Since my app has many beans, I want to load in the integration test only the beans that a

Possibly consider using a shorter maxLifetime value - hikari connection pool spring boot

After starting my SpringBoot application, getting an exception on few minutes of the server startup. Did not use any HikariPool Configuration externally, Spring

Spring cache and Spring data redis

Spring cache + Spring redis: Spring provides a caching abstraction package spring-boot-starter-cache which basically provides method level annotations to cache