I have a list of commentDocument collection in MongoDB where each has the following structure: { "commentName": "test comment", "outputs": { "ex
I am trying to make a simple application using kotlin and spring boot which connects to mongodb and makes some operations there, however I am facing this issues
I need to build an update operation like this: db.collection.update({ "referencedGeneralPractitioner.id": "id1" }, { $set: { "referencedGeneralPractitio
In Spring Data, we have PagingAndSortingRepository which inherits from CrudRepository. In reactive Spring Data, we only have ReactiveSortingRepository which in
I'm trying to understand reactive part of spring 5. I have created simple rest endpoint for finding all entities using spring web-flux and spring data reactive
how to perform below operation (it is the actual mongo query) using MatchOperation in Spring data mongodb ? $match: { "docs": { $ne: [] } } here docs is an a
I write a big aggregate query for mongodb, now I try to translate it in Spring Data Mongodb API, and it's very complicated, and spring data api did not help me
I have been trying to follow the instructions in the link below to try to add an automatically configured Embedded MongoDB Instance for Cucumber Integration tes
I have a scenario where list of say 1000's employees (sample below) where their balance is updated at every month end where balance of each employee can be diff