I am using RediSearch and storing the data in an Index through documents. I want to get all the documents from the Index, please suggest.
I am using AWS ElastiCache for Redis as the caching solution for my spring-boot application. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-redis and jedis client to conne
I am new to caching thing and learning some different solutions for my spring boot app. I was looking at Spring Cache and it is simple caching mechanism (that w
how to fetch a single attribute from Redis cache spring boot? I want a response like this one { "answer": "FHFHFHFHFH" } but getting
According to this answer, one RedisTemplate cannot support multiple serializers for values. So I want to create multiple RedisTemplates for different needs, spe
I am trying to run a lua script which eventually returns a lua table, then convert it as java Map with Spring Data Redis. When the result is array style lua tab
I am facing a issue in mock redis template. Can any one help me to write unit test for below class. @Repository public class CasheRepo { @Autowired pr
I have a Spring boot app written in Kotlin where I would like to enable caching in Redis. I'd like to have the objects stored as serialized JSON and ideally don
Spring cache + Spring redis: Spring provides a caching abstraction package spring-boot-starter-cache which basically provides method level annotations to cache