Category "spring-ws"

No ServletContext set error while Autowiring AuthenticationManager in WsConfigurerAdapter

I have spring boot application which is using 'spring-boot-starter-security', 'spring-ws-security', 'spring-boot-starter-web-services' I am facing below error w

How do I configure beans for a static wsdl, which is importing a root xsd of a hierarchical structure?

I am implementing soap web services in a Spring environment. The xsd and wsdl definitions come from an external company, and I've implemented the endpoints alre

No adapter for endpoint; Is your endpoint annotated with @Endpoint, or does it implement a supported interface like MessageHandler or PayloadEndpoint?

I am struggling with an Spring-WS with JMS example. I set the Spring-WS and JMS wiring as per the Spring recommendations. But I kept getting following error. I