Category "spyder"

After executing the last line i get following error: ValueError: y should be a 1d array, got an array of shape (4457, 2) instead

y = pd.get_dummies(messages['label']) y = y.iloc[:,1].values from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_tes

Tensorflow is partially imported

When I run a script and import Tensorflow from cmd or Visual Studio Code it throws me the error but when I run it from Anaconda prompt or Spyder it works well.

Input() function works inconsistently, python 3.8.10, spyder 5.3.0, IPython 7.32.0

The code print("Some text") integer=int(input("Enter an integer: ")) is expected to print "Some text\nEnter an integer: " and read the users input, but some of

Python Spyder- Horizontal scrollbar in IPython console hiding the last line

When the Spyder console has displayed output too wide to view, it adds a horizontal scroll bar to the bottom. This scrollbar hides the last command line of the

which is the best way to use spyder (through anaconda or not) for computer vision projects ?? i am using ubandu 18.04 arm 64 (agx xavior)?

i installed spyder in my computer (ubuntu 18.04 nvidia agx xavior (arm 64)) through "sudo apt install spyder" with out installing anaconda , how to install te

How to disable bracket autocomplete in Spyder?

How do you turn off the bracket autocomplete feature in Spyder? I'm using Spyder 4.0.1 on OS X Mojave. Consider the following Python dictionary: data_desired

error when starting spyder on ubuntu 22.04

I have just upgrade my ubuntu. I have this error on spyder: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland a

error when starting spyder on ubuntu 22.04

I have just upgrade my ubuntu. I have this error on spyder: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland a

Spyder 5 won't launch

I just downloaded Spyder 5 using conda upgrade anaconda conda install spyder=5.0.0 However, after installation when I launch Spyder from the Windows menu, I se

Failure importing openpyxl in Spyder 5.1.5

So I am trying to open a.xlsc file in Spyder using pandas. After importing pandas as pd, when using pd.read_excel() command in the console, it showed the error:

How to restart kernel in python through code in spyder to avoid repetitively and manually doing it? [duplicate]

I am ensemble 2 models in syder. ( A RNN and an encoder-decoder both running on same data set). Each of them has 100 models saved in .h5 forma

how install powerlaw python package

I need to install the powerlaw package in python. if I call from the prompt, the python list turns out to be installed. Instead when I open spyder for python it

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyproj._network'

I am trying to run Python Code on Spyder for scientific computing. I use geometric information from shape files using geopandas. Installing geopandas was alread

Cannot convert the pdf file into the CSV file

I am a new python learner, I am struggling how to change the pdf file into CSV file by using Spyder. Input import tabula dfs = tabula.read_pdf(r'C:\Users\home\D

Spyder is not recognised as an internal command

I have downloaded the new IntelPython and installed the package according to the directions on the page. So, after I installed the application, I followed thes

Connecting Spyder to Remote Jupyter Notebook in a Docker Container

I have been trying to connect Spyder to a docker container running on a remote server and failing time and again. Here is a quick diagram of what I am trying to

Can't install Spyder through Anaconda Navigator

I cannot install Spyder through Anaconda Navigator. I am a complete beginner when it comes to Python and I have no idea what's going wrong. I have to create a

Spyder: spyder variable explorer to auto-adjust the column header

I have installed spyder via Anaconda and when I viewed the dataframe in the variable explorer, the column headers are squashed / too narrow. I cannot view the c

Playsound only plays the mp3 file once and then gives the error "Permission Denied"

I am using Playsound and gtts in Spyder IDE which creates an mp3 file and then plays it. import gtts from playsound import playsound #pass text to gTTS object

Where is the Spyder Terminal (yeah, I downloaded it)?

I downloaded the Spider Terminal plugin from Github via Anaconda Prompt though, I can't find the Terminal when I boot Spyder -_- . Does someone know Where it