I have views that my users often only need to check for one particular person at a time. To do this, they do the following in Excel 365 desktop: Open a blank wo
I have a table A with ID's only and another table B with two columns, ID and Product Number. The ID column in table B has nulls and Product Number has Product N
I have some data in FileFullPath Column Y:\dfs-dc-01\Split\Retail\Kroger\Kroger\FTP-FromClient\Oracle\2022-05-04\MSudaitemlov_20220503 Y:\dfs-dc-01\Split\Retail
I have to write some simple queries for my database homework using SQLServer. The schema has been provided in the question: students(student_id, name); friends(
I'm trying to generate a migration file with a spatial column in it (Geometry) and I'm getting this error No suitable constructor found for entity type 'Coordi
I am trying to create JSON output from SQL Server using FOR JSON. My JSON record is good however I have a number of elements I need in the ROOT section but this
Azure SQL Database supports Full recovery model and we can't change the recovery model of Azure SQL Databases. As mentioned here while making
I am generating the below SQL. From my code I am using a where condition list to collect all the Where logic and insert it after the Join logic is set-up. Howev
I'm trying to send data from excel spreadsheet to sql server. The code runs properly but the change of status is not done. Before those steps, I already added d
I have a full text index defined on user table's username column. When there is any character following + symbol in email in the search query there is no result
I want to implement an incremental load process using SQL Server Change Data Capture. Every example I find takes the "happy path." In other words, they assume t
So I am trying to run this SQL command Select Replace('[1,2,3,47]','%[0-9]\,|\[|\]%',''); this regex should give the following result 47 however, the original
I started to develop a .NET Core Web API application with SQL Server. I use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (I store the files in the Ubuntu s
I am working with Microsoft SQL Server and want to find E_ID and E_Name where T1+T2 has the MAX value. I have two steps to reach the necessary result: Find the
I have a CTE on which i am filling null values with the previous value before row 100 available by using the following script SELECT [YearMonth],grp, CASE WHEN
I have an IDbConnection to a SQL server and two stored procedures I would like to start from a console app using the Execute method on the open connection. When
We have a list with a sequence number. The sequence will break, then begin again. As you can see below, the SalesOrderLine is missing the number 4. SalesOrder
I would like to be able to recursively find all relationships in a table. I have a relational table, and essentially I would like to apply the transitive proper
I am struggling to get the nearest 'Math Test' or 'Biology Test' in (+/- 3 hours) from Test= 'Marked A+' including TestOrder ordering. If 'Math Test' or 'Biolog