Category "sql-server-2008"

How to create the linked server for SQL Server 2008 where we have the database from 2000 and 2005

Currently I am working on SQL Server 2000,2005 & 2008, my requirement is like, the database available in SQL Server 2000 & 2005 will be available in 200

Cannot establish connection to SQL Server

I am trying to access SQL DB that is located on my computer from an application that is located on a server (has IIS7). I set the ConnectionString in the WebCon

how to get Arabic Month Names in sql?

I am trying hard to get the 12 months names in Arabic , I tried a lot but nothing work. any help ?

List the details of employee ,department with a reference column

Here I have 2 tables, Employee and Department, and the data as follows. Employee: Empid Empname Deptid salary ----------------------------------------- 1

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

Is it possible in Microsoft SQL Server generate random int value from Min to Max (3-9 example, 15-99 e.t.c) I know, I can generate from 0 to Max, but how to inc

The EXECUTE permission is denied on the user-defined table types?

I have a question about User-Defined Table Types in SQL Server 2008. For the need of one of the ASP.NET application we defined our own table-types on SQL Serve

Select the field as Distinct having data type as Text. Sql Server

Is their any way to select a field as Distinct whose data type is Text. If we have a table T1 with a field named Subjects have data type as Text. Subjects -

Impossible to add a User-Defined-Data Type parameter to my query

I'm trying to use a User-Defined-Data Type with C# and SQL Server 2008 but I have an exception raised when command.ExecuteReader() is executed. string qyery

Procedure or function expects parameter which was not supplied, when parameter is auto-generated

I'm trying to insert data in my db. this is the code im using SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.UsersInsert", cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredPro

Finding blocking/locking queries in MS SQL (mssql)

Using sys.dm_os_wait_stats I have identified what I believe is a locking problem wait type waittime pct running ptc LCK_M_RS_S 2238.54 22.14