Category "riverpod"

Does autoDispose in riverpod works same as dispose lifecycle in Flutter?

Does autoDispose in Riverpod's StateProvider disposes controllers? Does both the following statements works similarly? final _controller = StateProvider.autoDis

Combining good old providers with Riverpod

I have an existing app that implements provider pattern. A sample provider would be: class SampleProvider { static SampleProvider of(BuildContext context) =

Riverpod StateNotifierProvider depend on a FutureProvider

I have a StateNotifierProvider that depends on a FutureProvider. Currently they look like below. final catalogProvider = StateNotifierProvider<CatalogNotifie

Read a provider inside a FutureProvider

When we need to read (not watch) a provider inside another one the documentation is clear: "DON'T CALL READ INSIDE THE BODY OF A PROVIDER" final myProvider = Pr

Combining Provider with a steam provider not updating

I am working on a technique to determine if some has elevated rights to show an edit icon. I am using Firebase for auth and firestore for back end. My thoughts

Flutter Riverpod vs ref.listen() vs

After reading the documentation, it did not explain very well what,, and ref.listen() is. The questions I have are as follows: What is th

Flutter : Hot reload / Hot restart showing white screen with debug banner?

In my flutter app , when I try to hot reload or hot restart , after process complete , the reloaded screen shows for a second and then went whole white only the

How should I access a Riverpod provider from a different file?

I'm used to provider's Provider.of() call to get a provider from elsewhere in the widget tree, but every Riverpod resource I've found relies on having access to

How to retain the state of the app when navigating to another screen in flutter using riverpod

Good day, guys I'm new to using Riverpod, I have a counter app that when the FAB button is tapped it increases the counter by 1. This works well using Riverpod