Category "sql-server-2019"

SUM Values by Sequence Number and Group By Flag

We have a list with a sequence number. The sequence will break, then begin again. As you can see below, the SalesOrderLine is missing the number 4. SalesOrder

On Amazon SQL Server RDS, how can we identify all apps that are connecting using the direct server name and not the alias?

We are soon to migrate our back-end from an Amazon SQL Server RDS to another identically set up RDS server. We intend that our systems will not be interrupted b

ERROR: Unsupported PIVOT column type: text

I'm trying to perform a PIVOT but getting an error. I'm trying to see which patients have more than one Interval session. The column is a text type. I attempted

SQL Server 2019 > Agent Job execute > Error 'Culture is not supported'

Within the Job History logs - Error on Step 1 : "Culture is not supported. Parameter name: culture 3072 (0x0c00) is an invalid culture identifier." Prior to th

SQL Server 2019: master db -- How to recreate ##MS_SchemaSigningCertificate in 2048 bits. VA1223

The new SQL Vulnerability assessments are flagging our database with "VA1223: Certificate keys should use at least 2048 bits" (FedRAMP Benchmark). https://docs.

How can I write a case sensitive WHERE CLAUSE in SQL Server?

Ok, this one has me stumped. I'm hoping it's not something stupid/obvious... I'm trying to fix addresses in a client database. I have a function that takes a