Category "sql-server"

How to deploy dacpac changes to SQL Server database hosted on azure vm

We have an Azure VM with SQL Server installed on it. We have our Visual Studio SQL Server database project in an Azure git repository. I've got the project to b

Using Pivot to remove duplicated results adding new columns

I have the following table [_teste_calendario_Table] and when "Monstrengo" has the same value, I'd like to make a pivot, adding new columns "De1", "Ate1", "Ven

How to enable "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" through PowerShell (Azure CLI)?

After creating a new Azure SQL server using az sql server create, how can I enable the following options through PowerShell(Azure CLI)?

Unique Address SQL Query [duplicate]

I have a table like this: I would like one address for each account number, if the account number has two addresses, I want to get the one wi

T-SQL hierarchy query

I have a table with hierarchical data: This is a sample of data with id, parent id, name, code (which is sometimes not filled), level and isroot column. In r

Empty string results in "Errors were detected in the command line arguments, please make sure all arguments are set correctly"

On a SQL 2016 Server I have a job that calls an SSIS package. That package is in a project in the SSISDB and has parameters. One of those parameters is a str

Are there any advantages in using a single stored procedure for multiple operations or is my teacher wrong? [closed]

I'm working on my databases class final project, which consists of making an application that can access and do operations in a database. My t

Sequelize get data of another column while using Aggregate Function

I'm trying to get data using Sequelize in my Express app and I'm using SQL Server as database. Here is my code: Order.findAll({ attributes:[ [Sequ

Microsoft SQL Server Create a session specific synonym

I am working on a database that hold specific session data in separate tables for each session. e.g. I'd have a table called ProductsABCD, which holds products


I m trying to migrate my data base using EF core when i run this commande "dotnet ef migrations add Init --context PersistedGrantDbContext -o Migrations/Persis

Generating xml with SQL Server with child namespace

I am generating an XML using SQL Server and I need the following name space: xmlns:ns0="" ns0:noNamespaceSchemaLocation

Easier way to reverse the order of a canonical name

I'm wondering if there is an easier way to reverse an Active Directory canonical name in SQL. I found a way to do this, but it only works with a set number of O

Why DISTINCT keyword is decreasing my search time and increasing performace in SQL Server

I am new to SQL and SQL Server and I am using SQL server 2012. but recently I encountered a weird thing while working with SQL server. I got that adding DISTINC

How to best use multicolumn index with value ranges in SQL Server?

I'm running SQL Server 2016 Enterprise edition. I have a table with 24 columns and 10 indexes. Those indexes are vendor defined so I cannot change them. I have

How to best use multicolumn index with value ranges in SQL Server?

I'm running SQL Server 2016 Enterprise edition. I have a table with 24 columns and 10 indexes. Those indexes are vendor defined so I cannot change them. I have

EFCore join values

I'm trying to join a big table to a small list of data pairs using EFCore 2.1.1. I want this join to happen server-side, rather than trying to download the who

SSMS Export Query Results to Excel or CSV

I am trying to export the results of a query to CSV and then ultimately Excel. My issue is, one of my columns has commas in it and the commas interrupt Excel

How to find and delete all duplicates from SQL Server database

I'm new to SQL in general and I need to delete all duplicates in a given database. For the moment, I use this DB to experiment some things. The table currentl

SQL - UTF-8 to varchar/nvarchar Encoding issue

Problem background - I am receiving response data from a website, formatted in json and UTF-8 encoded. A body attribute of json has values in a base64binary typ

Storing DateTimeOffset value without milliseconds in SQL Server using EF Core

Say I create a DateTimeOffset value like this: var dt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; And I want to store this value in SQL Server using EF Core code-first. How do I