Category "symfony4"

How to change root namespace for Symfony 4 maker bundle?

I'm trying to change the default App namespace to AppBundle (the project uses S4, but the directory structure is still 3.4, currently) for Symfony 4 MakerBundle

DateTime being persisted to one DB column but not the other in Symfony 4.4 app

I have a baffling issues where I have a DateTime object which seems to be able to be persisted and flushed to one column, but not the other. I have checked the

Symfony 4: hide debug stacktrace in non prod environment

I have 2 production environments which are prod1 and prod2 they differ in configuration like database and business logic. It is basicallya master-slave relation

Symfony Error: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template"

I am trying to include <link href="{{ asset('css/mystyle.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"/> in my twig file and render it. But it gives me Uncaught P

How can I restrict certain entities from my queryBuilder?

I'm trying to use a queryBuilder to get some users who did NOT have an appointment with subject 'PC' ("Prise de Contact"). and fit certain criteria of appointme

Compile Error: App\Kernel::registerBundles(): Failed opening required while deploying website

I'm working on NetBeans in a project built on Symfony4. The project runs ok on mode dev aswell as on mode prod, buy when I deploy it son the web: "Compile

Symfony 4: how to safely 'join' migrations together? / remove migrations in between the first and last?

I was recently tweaking around with my DB and noticed that I made 5 migrations on top of my existing 2. So 7 in total, m1, m2, ..., m7. From these 5, I only wan

Symfony 4: "Autowire: you should configure its value explicitly."

I'm starting to working with Symfony4 and I meet the following error when I try to run my server: Cannot autowire service "App\Controller\CharacterInformation":

Command composer require symfony/apache-pack doesn't create .htaccess file

When I execute the command: composer require symfony/apache-pack It doesn't create an .htaccess file as it is cited in the documentation here. How can I fix