Category "startup"

app crash due to android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException:

I made my app and it work well in emulator and many actual device. Recently, I checked crash report on Google play console and found crash report "Caused by:

pm2 process using the old system Environment Variables on resurrection

I have created a node application that is for subscribing to an OPC-UA server and storing the data on our s3 bucket. I am using the node-opcua module for that p

How to set $HOME before startup script in Google Compute Engine

In my use case, I am trying to use the $HOME variable to identify my app server path in the instance startup. I am using Google compute engine with a startup

Visual Studio Multiple startup projects - restart one project only

I have multiple projects running and one project sometimes stops and needs to be restarted. Is there a way to restart only one project without stopping the oth

No cursor motion capability occurs when startup linux script execute minicom script with at commands

I have created a startup Linux script for a board that runs Debian jessie Armbian 8.1. I need at startup to run at command in a modem attached to it via USB int

Which way to fetch value from local.settings.json?

Could someone please explain which way, if any of these, is the preferred way of fetching values in Startup class from local.settings.json, C# .NET6. The startu

wso2 identity server startup error v 5.11.0 windows 10

TID: [-1234] [] [2022-02-26 15:41:04,837] [] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} - Starting WSO2 Carbon... TID: [-1] [] [2022-02-26 15:41: