I am using bloc library available in Dart to implement "bloc" pattern. I will eventually move onto flutter_bloc library so I can use it inside a real app. I'm h
I have 'react-router-dom' and 'recoil' in same application. What is a proper way to update recoil state within route? const ItemRouter = ()=> { const [s
how to use Android Bluetooth api in jetpack compose ? compose need state and Bluetooth api has not compostable function .i mean how to instance state for Blueto
I have a ChangeNotifier Subclass that I am sharing between a number of screens like this: final value = MyChangeNotifier(); MaterialApp( routes: { '/list
I am new to flutter. I just started using GetX flutter package. I am working on a ToDo list app. I am having trouble updating the widget state. What I have done
I recently started migrating things from jQ to a more structured framework being VueJS, and I love it! Conceptually, Vuex has been a bit of a paradigm shift fo
So I have the following state: [ { name: "Main Tree", branches: [ { name: "Branch 1", branches: [] },
I am currently using GetX and Sqflite within Flutter and encountering the issue of data update after insert. Firstly, there is a LoadingScreen which checks if t