Category "static-code-analysis"

Descriptive flake8 errors in PyCharm

PyCharm does not have a built-in support for flake8 at the moment. But, flake8 can be configured to run as an external tool. Sometimes, especially for Python n

Enforce one describe per file

The Story: We have a rather big test codebase with Protractor+Jasmine tests. One of the current problems we have is that some of the test/spec files contain

How can I disable coverity checking using code annotation?

There is a problem, coverity finds an error (potential OoB) in the place of the code where semantically this problem cannot arise. Because of the static analyze

Automated docstring and comments spell check

Consider the following sample code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Test module.""" def test(): """Tets function""" return 10 pylint gives it 10 of 10, fl

cppcheck How to suppress inline unmatched suppression?

I found that --suppress=unmatchedSuppression only suppresses unmatched suppression types in cppcheck options, but NOT unmatched inline suppressions. Is this t