Category "statistics"

Why is the mean = 0 to calculate the confidence intervals of a distribution when using stats.norm?

I somewhat understand how to calculate the Confidence interval in this manner but why is it that in this code, they used the mean=0 within the stats.norm se = n

Calculate Decay Rate in Python

I have dataset which somewhat follows an exponentional decay df_A Period Count 0 1600 1 894 2 959 3 773 4 509 5 206 I want

ClassValuePicker in Weka KnowledgeFlow doesn't seem to let you pick a class

Does anyone have any insight? New to using Weka KnowledgeFlow but I've followed the official documentation to a t. I'm trying to generate multiple ROC plots, wh

How to find the sum given n, 1st score and last score?

Lets say you have a column called "values" and "no.of times". You have thousands of rows but you don't want to scrape the data from the site.. You have to calcu

replacing missing values in r based on adjacent columns value

I nee help in filling out the missing values. The following rule need to be followed when replacing a missing value. If the value is the same on both sides of t

Getting error while generating heatmap in python:ValueError: Must pass 2-d input. shape=()

I am getting errors while generating maps of h3 moments in python for an image file called "image_test". The error apparently is for the shape of the values tha

Trying to replicate figures from Bayesian statistics without tears: A sampling-resampling perspective, but failed

I'm trying to replicate the three figures from the paper Bayesian statistics without tears: A sampling-resampling perspective, which can be fo

Calculating Mean Squared Error with Sample Mean

I was given this assignment, and I'm not sure if i understand the question correctly. We considered the sample-mean estimator for the distribution mean. Anothe

Random proababilty of rolling down to 1 from 1000 [closed]

If I roll a random number between 1 and a 1000, then use this random number as the new range from 1 and new number for example if it rolled 50

Causal Inference where the treatment assignment is randomised

I have mostly worked with Observational data where the treatment assignment was not randomized. In the past, I have used PSM, IPTW to balance and then calculate

fisher.test crash R with *** caught segfault *** error

As title said, fisher.test crash R with *** caught segfault *** error. Here is the code to produce the error: d<-matrix(c(1,0,5,2,1,90,0,0,0,1,0,14,0,0,0,0,0

How to plot correlation matrix/heatmap with categorical and numerical variables

I have 4 variables of which 2 variables are nominal (dtype=object) and 2 are numeric(dtypes=int and float). df.head(1) OUT: OS_type|Week_day|clicks|avg_app_s

How to get multiple combinations of multiple lists in python (Multiple n Choose K or nCr)

I have been looking on google and stack overflow for a few hours and I am sure there is an answer for what this is mathematically or perhaps it is just what the

Statistical difference between linear regressions

I have a statistical question on which I am stuck: Imagine you have 5 corn fields. You know the number of corn plant there is in each fields. You know want to c

why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables)

i want to show why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables) the model is y= abc*(x1+x2) a and b from the data

How to test symmetry of distribution in Python?

Given data I want to test symmetry of their distribution. In R is function symmetry.test(..)

Issue with corr.test() results

I am running corr.test() to look at potential correlations between genes and bacteria in a dataframe using this code: spearman=cor.test(FullSet$counts.Bac, Full

P value and critical value in hypothesis testing

I need little clarification in p value and critical value approach in hypothesis testing regarding below example. Null Hypothesis : population mean = 80 Altern

How do I determine the likelihood of my data coming from a model distribution using Julia?

I am trying to do a statistical analysis in Julia on experimental data. I tried to create a model and use Turing to obtain distributions for the mean and standa

Can I include covariates outside of the minimally sufficient set in a causal framework that aren't in the causal pathway?

I am applying a causal method to a cohort study analysis on pollutant exposure and disease X. Based on our understanding of the disease, we believe that aging i