I'm using the tableby function from the arsenal package to create summary tables. For most of the statistics I need to generate, this package gives me exactly t
I am working on a linear mixed model and am attempting to run one on the same data in r and spss. I'm using a treatment with two levels, looking at 10 different
I want to determine the X value that has the highest pick in the histogram. The code to print the histogram: fig=sns.displot(data=df, x='degrees', hue="TYPE", k
I found a PDF document describing the income distribution in the US in 1978. Per income range I have the percentage of the population that falls in that income
I am using a subroutine (stats) to calculate statistics for a list of numbers. These numbers may be big enough to lose precision if stored as normal perl number
I've been trying to use scipy.stats.levene with no success. I have a numpy matrix with shape (2128, 45100). Each row is a sample and belongs to one of 3 cluste
I would like to run cor.test() on two seperate dataframes but I am unsure how to proceed. I have two example dataframes with identical columns (patients) but di
I can return the covariance or the standard deviation from a GP using sklearn, like: y, cov = gp.predict(Xpredict,return_cov=True) y, std = gp.predict(Xpredict,
Today I noticed strange statistics in my Google Play Developer Console in one of my application It is about Final installs on active devices: 17 July - th
I have a large matrix (12 rows, 53 columns) with counts of how many times genes in my clusters "A", "B", "C", etc. overlap with clusters created by someone else
I am trying to perform sensitivity analysis using Sobol`s method. I always get an error which i can not solve. the code and the result are below. the input vari
When I run a logistic regression by sm.Logit (in the statsmodel library), part of the result is like this: Pseudo R-squ.: 0.4335 Log-Likeliho
I need help in replacing missing values in the following dummy file. The following rule need to be followed when replacing a missing value. If the value is the
When I try to start BlueSky Statistics, sometimes the application hangs and the "Starting BlueSky Statistics" box remains on the screen. I see the app open in
So i am analysing fund panel data. I estimated a fixed effect model with double clustered error terms along the identification (ISIN) and (Date). Each fund has
With the following code, I get a plot how the regression was done for my data. In the plot also vertical (error?) bars are shown. To which number in the sum
This question is turned into a Q&A, because I had struggle finding the answer, and think it can be useful for others I have a JavaScript array of value
i need to create some statistics from packets in my network interface, but i'm concerned only for my tcp sessions. i thought i could do that with nfdump and nfs
Is there a way to get a truly random sample from an elasticsearch index? i.e. a query that retrieves any document from the index with probability 1/N (where N i
I am using scikit-learn to implement the Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/master/sklearn/mixture/dp