I'm trying to do a DFU program upload via Arduino for an STM32F401CC. I'm using CubeProgrammer to upload the compiled bin and verify the contents of the STM32's
I was trying to convert St-link to J-link, but after the change I want to check if return to St-link working fine. Unfortunately it doesn't work now. When I am
I have a weird issue. LUA 5.3.5, compiled on STM32F429. Free RAM is about 1Mb (memory allocation is using external SDRAM, not the more limited internal RAM on
I'm using a STM32WL55JC in dual core configuration to communicate with LoRa protocol. I'm also working on an OLED display interface using I2C communication on t
I initialized the CAN2 via STM32CubeIDE (from .ioc file) but the stm32f4xx_hal_can.c file is not imported in the Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver folder. So I have
Ive been following the Digi-Key introduction to Yocto project on the STM32MP1-DK1: link here Ive gone through all the tutorials and had success setting up a cus
I have added ADC functionality to my Nucleo-F446RE development board. 4 channels, DMA enabled, scan and continuous conversion mode enabled, DMA continuous reque
Here's the deal, I want to flash my stm32 board with my USB serial port. And my stm32 board comes with an extended board which carries CH340. When I connected t
I'm trying to get PWM working with timer 3, I've followed the reference manual and believe i have everything correct but i get nothing on the output. My code is
I wanted to toggle a led status by reading a push button status's using interrupt instead of polling. I'm using a Nucleo board F411 and a register based program
I've tried countless settings in an attempt to program my stm32 board. The main tutorial I followed is https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/LoRa_E5_mini/. I have connec
I was trying to increase the clock speed of STM32F401 to 84Mhz using PLL. I tried for log time. But the code is not working. Can anyone check what needs to be d
On 32 bit microcontrollers such as the ST STM32F103 (ARM core) or the GigaDevices GD32VF103 (RISC-V core) there are many registers for dealing with peripherals.
I run stm32 blinky example on windows using Qemu plugins with eclipse. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvbarf1CSGs&t=628s) I can see green led on and off a
I am working on dynamic memory analysis using stack painting/foot print analysis method. dynamic-stack-depth-determination-using-footprint-analysis basically t
Hello guys Any one here faced this problem before ? After I run my code into my stm32f446re I couldn't upload any code after my last code and give me this erro
Trying to make simple PWM transmitter i faced with a problem. I have TIM2 with Channel2 (in PWM Generation mode) on board NUCLEO F042K6 and USART1 connected to
I am trying connect my stm32f103c8 board to PC with several examples from internet, but all of them face the same issue, they can not be installed successfully.
I have predefined addresses (address1,address2 and address3) and i want to : If each address variables is equal to the first 6 variables of my data then i want
somehow when i am running my code, it seems like one GPIO Port isn't being initialized, meanwhile if i am debugging, it is. I am initializing two sensors: struc