Category "stomp"

How can I connect a Python websocket client to my Spring endpoint?

I'm new to Python and I'm trying to connect to a service that I currently have up running in Spring. On the server-side I have a custom Handshake handler in pla

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IB

Configuring rabbitmq with spring4 stomp and socksjs application

I am having issue with spring 4+Stomp+socks js app. It was working fine with simple message broker but when switch to rabbitmq it is not working and could not s

Gatling Websocket react on message

Is it possible to write a gatling script which connects to WebSocket and then performs actions (e.g. new HTTP requests) when certain messages are received (pref