From PHP I would like to call a stored procedure in MySQL. The procedure takes input and output parameters -- not "INOUT" parameters. For a simple example, sa
I'm working on a rec process which will pull data out of a SQL Server database into Excel and out of another application to compare the two sources. I've writt
So I have a query like this Create Procedure sp_GetTotalTargetsCount @userId int AS Begin Create Table #RequestTargets ( Name varchar(20), Value int ) Declare
I am using PREPARE statement in store procedure but it is taking much time at the time of records insertion. Please suggest me the replacement for PREPARE state
I have created a Stored Procedure in a MySQL DataBase that have 2 output parameters like this (for Example) : CREATE PROCEDURE `invite_user`(fUName VARCHAR(15)
In php-myadmin . while runnig this query I am getting it like ..Import has been successfully finished, 0 queries executed. (getpaywall.com_2013-06-16.sql) But
I have two databases (firstDB and secondDB) on MS SQL server. There is procedure [dbo].[MaintaineIndexes] in firstDB and DatabaseEventsTrigger in secondDB. I wa
I would like to have the list of stored procedure created in a certain database. I tried db2 "display procedure MyDb.*" But I get error DB21034E The comman
Ok so, I've been ripping my hairs ou on this one, why doesn't this work? DELIMITER | CREATE PROCEDURE Decrypt_pw() READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT 'Hey Sele
I have a parameter created for a stored procedure looking to allow user to pass in multiple inputs. create procedure sp1 (p1 in varchar2) as begin select proc
I have my ORACLE table with structure as desc extraction_log1 Name Null
I have a question about User-Defined Table Types in SQL Server 2008. For the need of one of the ASP.NET application we defined our own table-types on SQL Serve