Category "stripe-payments"

How to use ACH payments in North America with stripe payment Intents

attempting to use a payment method of a ACH payment...but I can't figure out how to do it. Theoretically the documentation here says I can.

Could not invoke StripeSdk.initialise

Problem Image I'm not able to start Stripe in react native using expo const [prepared, setPrepared] = useState(false); const [isAvaliable, setAvaliable] = useSt

Laravel cashier (stripe) - retrieve invoice without user

I'm using Laravel Cashier. I dont use reel users for payment $stripeCharge = (new User)->charge(100, $paymentMethod); Now, I need to preview invoice informa

Stripe for React-Native presentPaymentSheet has the wrong data

I have a bug that I don't understand how to solve. I have a component which is supposed to open a Payment sheet to let the user pay using the code below. const

Not able to get stripe payment token in iOS Swift

I am implementing stripe paymentSDK and after implementing my code I am getting error in my console, here my code: View Controller Class func stripPayment(CVC:

Not able to get stripe payment token in iOS Swift

I am implementing stripe paymentSDK and after implementing my code I am getting error in my console, here my code: View Controller Class func stripPayment(CVC:

Webhook handler failed. View function logs in Firebase

Good, I wanted to know if someone can solve me this problem with Stripe and Stripe extension in firebase. Every time I complete a purchase in the session.checko

Unable to integrate Stripe checkout into Vue JS app

I am trying to redirect to stripe checkout using a click event that calls the payStripe function <button @click="payStripe" class="btn btn-primary" type="but

AWS Lambda hang until it timout on stipe invoices list

I am using AWS Lambda to host a nodeJs service that fetch my open invoices on Stripe and execute a payment and update my database. The problem is that most of t

Getting Stripe Upcoming Invoice Line Items with Laravel Cashier

I'm attempting to use Laravel Cashier to retrieve line items of the client's upcoming invoice. I'm having difficulty obtaining the invoice in the first place.

How to use format js in rails 7?

I'm using gem stripe in rails 7 and I'd like to access the checkout page to make the payments or cancel the order, however, since it is rails 7 (and does not ha

Stripe payment links

I'm trying to take payments on stripe. I have there email address's. However they all owe different amounts, varying from £0.99 to £599.99. I want t

Insufficient balance in bank account with stripe refund behavior

I have a question regarding stripe refund behavior. Let's assume that a user requested a refund of amount 300$. current Stripe balance = 100$ current Bank bala

stripe webhook with firebase showing error

it is showing Unexpected value for STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET error even after checking it many times in the env file the terminal shows everything created but it do

Add Stripe Credit Card without Payment in SwiftUI

I am struggling to find a solution that isn't UIKit, or one that requires you make a purchase. My project is trying to integrate Stripe in SwiftUI, using node.j

configuring stripe webhook, Test webhook error: Unable to connect

So I am trying to implement a stripe webhook to listen to various events. Basically I have my php application running live, say on "". I have

React-native Stripe Payment Sheet with Subscription

I'm using stripe-react-native to handle payment, and I'm able to handle one-time payment via payment-sheet using PaymentIntent flow. Now I'm stuck with creating

Where can I write server code for stripe payment in Django project?

I am working on React JS to implement stripe payment gateway. I am using Django as a backend Server. In stripe documentation.

How to appear two Stripe Element on a single page

I would like to use two payment forms(stripe.js) on the same html. Only one if can be specified, so the payment form that is called first will be appeared, but

How to test Stripe Connect connected account creations

I want to use Stripe Connect to provide multiparty payments, in my website. I have a platform. User A (customer) will pay User B (which is the service provider)