Category "struts2"

Struts2 keep same action url if validation fail using struts2-bean-validation-plugin

I am using Struts 2 and I have two action one will show the register form and second will be register user. I want to achieve is while submitting form if any va

I have migrated code from struts-2.1 to struts-2.5,its working fine for all locales. Except for en_UK locale

I have migrated code from struts-2.1 to struts-2.5,its working fine for all locales. Except for en_UK locale where in WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE value fetched is en

How to get exception inside ActionInvocation.invoke()

First of all the final purpose is that i'm trying to inject a DAO connection into an SMD context (Ajax) so i'll ensure that transactions are being Commited (or

Custom 404 error page not working with Struts 2

I am converting a JSP/Servlet dynamic web project to Struts 2 and the custom error pages (that previously worked with the JSP/Servlet version) have stopped work