Category "sum"

Is it possible to get the sum of a dictionary JSON with values of different data types in python

I am trying to get the sum of the values from a dictionary within a JSON file, but some of the values are a different data type. Only the values that are number

SUM UP two columns and then find the find MAX value in SQL Server

I am working with Microsoft SQL Server and want to find E_ID and E_Name where T1+T2 has the MAX value. I have two steps to reach the necessary result: Find the

How do I count the number of filled-in rows of a sheet based on the contents of a column?

Disclaimer: I am completely self-taught in google sheets I have a sheet with columns for Date, Place, Title, etc. I am attempting to count how many rows have al

sum according to field condition

can you please help me with this on crystal reports. |field1 | field2 |field3 | |-----------|-----------|-------| |code1 | abc | 12.00 | |code

DSUM with multiple criteria

I'm trying to get the sum of all items in column F:F when Column J:J = "Channel"and Column K:K = "Country" =DSUM(Sheet1!$A$1:$K$142,Sheet1!$F$2:$F$142,{{Sheet1

SQL - Generate column from sum of columns from different table

I have two tables: The first one contains numeral values, it looks like this: The id column is the primary key; it has the attribute AUTO_INCREMENT. All col

Summing NAs in each row in a new column

for (i in 1:nrow(survey_clean)) { for(j in 1:ncol(survey_clean)) { survey_clean$invalid_answers[i] <- sum(survey_clean$old_col == survey_clean$ol

How can I add two each row sum depending on a button click?

So, I'm trying to add two to each row sum depending on whether or not the button is clicked. HTML: <table> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox"

SUMIFS with OR criteria in Google Sheets

I want to add values in Column C with the conditions that Column B = 0, AND Column A = "a" OR "b" From what I've searched, this would work, but only in excel:

How to write SQL sub-query in SQL?

Here is sample data I am looking for total buying trade value and total selling trades value based on country. Here are two tables, country, and trades Table [c

program to find the sum of the first N odd numbers

I'm trying to make a program that calculates the sum of the first N odd numbers. where N is the number of the first odd numbers (e.g. N=4, then the first odds a

How to sum individual entries from multiple tables in SAS

What I have: Team A Material Accommodation Travel Jan 8 12 10 Feb 8 15 30 Mar 9 12 20 Team B Material Accommodation Travel Jan 4 18 20 Feb 7 14 20 Mar 6 12 10

Sum with particular condition

I would like to know some information, it is possible make a group by with this particular condition: Column Sepal.length take the first value; Sum the column t

Js How to got the sum of numbers from a string?

I'm new to coding and have been given this question; Create a function that takes a string with a jumble of letters and numbers. It should add together all the

calculating all the the values of a flow in anylogic

I am writing an economic project in anylogic. I want to sum all the money that flows between two stocks, in fact I need to sum all the values that a flow get du

myFile.write(item+"\n") TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Getting error: myFile.write(item+"\n") TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' and not sure why. Where shall I add the int? This i

Torch sum a tensor along an axis

How do I sum over the columns of a tensor? torch.Size([10, 100]) ---> torch.Size([10])

Excel - float number cannot be summed

I have a bunch of values like 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc. I want to write a SUM function for those cells but the value is 0. If I use integers the summing works so the

Given a sequence of integers, return the sum of all the integers that have an even index, multiplied by the integer at the last index

This is my solution and it passes some of the tests, but not all of them. Can anyone help me and explain why? Thank you :) function evenLast(numbers) { let su

Sum array values

I’m making a shipping service app to Shopify and my callback URL have this JSON post using json_decode to make an array. The value I want to sum is grams