Category "swagger"

How to inject openapi specification file with Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

services.AddSwaggerGen(x => { }); I have explored the AddSwaggerGen() method of NuGet Swashbuckle.AspNetCore. Unfortunately, I haven't foun

Cannot access api-docs of microservice from spring cloud gateway. Failed to load API definition

I'm trying to link my microservices to my gateway. , but I'm not able to access the api-docs of my microservice through the gateway. Error from Swagger-UI: Fail

Springdoc sends Multipart file as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and not multipart/form-data

I am using the latest version of openapi-ui 1.6.7 and I can't make a file upload endpoint work. This is my configuration of the parameter : @PostMapping(

Remove Model properties in WebAPI POST but keep for GET in Swagger

I have a few properties that capture timestamps when data is inserted or updated in the database. I don't want these properties visible in Swagger in POST reque

swagger url problem with springdoc-openapi

This is not the story of springfox This is the story of springdoc -openapi. my current dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.spri

How can I have multiple DTO's for NestJS Request Body/Swagger

so I have a route that can accept two different DTO's. I'm having difficulty getting these two DTO's to link/show up on swagger. I'm using the swagger plugin wi

When to use swagger route vs swagger operator

I am trying to auto-generate swagger.yaml file using go-swagger in my golang project. I understood difference between path and operation. And here are links for

Swagger - How to hide request fiends on API wise, for same input model?

Using Swagger with SpringBoot implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.6.7" implementation "org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.8"

Swagger generation is ignoring SecurityDefiniton

Cannot understand one thing, why swag init command is generating everything, except SecurityDefinition block For example, this is my code on main function: // @

Disable pagination inspector on drf_yasg

I'm using drf_yasg to create my swagger document but I have an issue with PaginationInspector. In one of my views I declare a paginator and in swagger, is shown

How to get Swagger UI in SpringBoot (404 error)

I'm trying to add Swagger UI to my REST Api but I can't find swagger ui path or there is a problem with it. Because when I check the paths where swagger ui must

Custom openapi schema with rust, rocket and okapi

I am developing an API with Rust, using Rocket as main framework. To create the Swagger docs I use Okapi, which allows me to create the docs automatically. use

Golang struct to Json schema

Hi I need to infer a json schema ( from a struct : type Testcase struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

Jhipster swagger always showing unauthorised in prod environment

I am always getting unauthorised while trying to access swagger API documentation in jhipster. I am already logged in and I am able to access the API using the

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen.SwaggerGeneratorException: The same schemaId is already used for type "X"

The project of .net core WebApi generate the right swagger when a class is generated in one DLL. this solution works fine, the project is compiled and the swagg

NSwag Studio C# generated client code does not have any return types assigned

I am trying to generate some client code from a swagger.json file and the methods created by NSwag do not have any return types as you can see below: Can anyone

Swagger OpenAPI describing string array in multipart request

I need to describe a multipart query that has an array of strings. But I ran into a problem, in the query, the array elements are combined into one string inste

Getting hold of custom attribute property decorations in a Swashbuckle document filter

I’m using Swashbuckle 6.1.4 in a .net 5.0 project. I want to customise the ordering of the elements in a schema. The default order, i.e. that in which the

Asp.Net Core Swagger Sort Tags Alphabetically

I'm using core 6 & Swashbuckle.AspNetCore and I'm using SwaggerAnnotations in my actions But my Tags Groups are not ordered Here's my Swagger UI pag

Google OAuth2 authentication in Swagger for a Node,js application

I have created a simple NodeJS application which is using Passport for handling OAuth2 authentication using Google. I created credentials in Google API, configu