I use SweetAlert2 for my project. I use VueJS and vue-cli-service with webpack. As I wanted to use the boostrap-4 theme, I followed the instructions : npm i npm
I am trying to include sweetalert2 in my Angular project, but it gives compile time error. The error /src/app/pages/signup/signup.component.ts:29:16-25 - Error
Here is the problem. Sorry for stupid question. I read how to connect this library to my project. I use vs-code. First, i need to install npm in my project w
I use vue-select in my project When I use value and input alternative v-model <div v-for="user in users" key="user.id"> <v-select
I've got a really strange problem with Sweetalert2 when I try to execute it from IE I got nothing showed. I've read on the site SA site to add the polyfill but
I'm trying to place text to the left of my sweetalert box. How can i do it please? Picture in attache, i would like to place text bordered to the left. Actual