Category "swift"

SwiftUI 2.0 CoreData issues with new project - 'Cannot find type 'Item' in scope'

[EDIT] I was hoping that Apple would have fixed what is obviously a bug. The solution is to clear the cache, close and reopen Xcode.. I am on Xcode Beta and sta

Accessing AppState in AppDelegate with SwiftUI's new iOS 14 life cycle

I'm using SwiftUI's new app lifecycle coming in iOS 14. However, I'm stuck at how to access my AppState (single source of truth) object in the AppDelegate. I ne

mutation attempt of frozen io.ktor.client.request.HttpRequestPipeline@151ac8

I'm using IO Ktor: ktor client core to implement multi platform network requests, but I encountered some problems When I use the class attribute created by http

Expandable forms with UITableView?

I haave to implement 3 seperate forms, but they have headers which make the forms collapsible when clicked. When searching online I saw the expanding rows for U

Detect userEvent/pan/scroll on orthogonal sections in UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout

I am using autoScroll on an orthogonal section of the collectionView using compositional layout. I need to invalidate the autoscroll timer as soon as the user m

Refreshing auth token with Moya

I'm using Moya to communicate with my API. For many of my endpoints, I require that the user be authenticated (i.e. a bearer token is based in the Authorization

Open UIDatePicker programmatically in iOS 14

I have this normal UIDatePicker (sorry that it's not in English, please ignore that): But the problem is that it only appears when I'm pressing the Date Picker

I am getting an error called "Argument passed to call that takes no arguments"

I am following the ios app development tutorial for the Scrumdinger app and I have followed the tutorial and it has worked until I finished the Passing Data wit

How can I convert a CMSampleBuffer with image data to a format suitable for sending over a network connection?

I want to send frames of a video stream over a network connection, so I have implemented the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate function: func captur

cornerRadius on message SwiftUI

I'm having this problem that my messages don't have corner radius on the other side. This is how it looks: And there is the code for it: HStack { HStack {

Is there expiration date attribute for Apple Identity Pinning?

I have pinned hash of public key on iOS app (like there). On Android there is option to set expiration time: <pin-set expiration="2022-05-22">

Xcode 11.5 Rename Refactor failed when trying to rename variable

When I try to re-name any variable, Xcode give me the following error: I have tried restarting Xcode but the same thing happens. Any ideas how to fix?

how can I edit lots of swift string at once?

In my project, I have Localizable.string file which is having more than 10,000 lines keyValue format. I need to convert all of keys which are dotCase format lik

Returning data from async call in Swift function

I have created a utility class in my Swift project that handles all the REST requests and responses. I have built a simple REST API so I can test my code. I hav

How to have a publisher emit only to the last subscriber in Combine

Is there a way to have the publisher emit a value only to the latest subscriber/observer? An example for that would be; a manager class that can be subscribed t

Change background color of TextEditor in SwiftUI

TextEditor seems to have a default white background. So the following is not working and it displayed as white instead of defined red: var body: some View {

How can I detect a server ping using URLSessionWebSocketTask?

Using URLSessionWebSocketTask, a server ping is automatically responded to by a pong from the client. Still, can the client observe that a ping/pong occurred? (

Is it possible to access multiple cameras from ARFrame?

I have an ARSession using a ARWorldTrackingConfiguration as part of its configuration. I've also enabled face tracking via: configuration.userFaceTrackingEnable

UIStepper - start counting from 1

I have successfully implemented core data and UISteppers. Every time I try to edit a saved record the UI Stepper starts over from 0. Please help me to figure pu

Swift - AES base64 + md5 decryption

I'm trying to decrypt a message sent from our server. Both our server and my Android client side uses the encryption code from here: