I am trying to record touches and finger movements that users perform on a 2018 MacBook Trackpad. When I try to test the API and print to console when the user
If I have stored a cancellable set into a ViewController: private var bag = Set<AnyCancellable>() Which contains multiple subscription. 1 - Should I canc
I have my user struct with has a dictionary of all their social medias. struct User: Identifiable { var id: String { uid } let uid, email, name, bio, profileI
I'm trying to give a shadow to Button using following code. Code: Button(action: { }) { Text("SIGN IN") .fon
I have a vertically scrolling collectionView where sections are scroll horizontally. How to know that section did end decelerating? If I use func scrollViewDidE
I am having a little trouble here: I have a class class TempC { func GetData(){ //do stuff } } And in ContentView I want to call the func
I initialized new react-native project with "react-native init ReactNStudy" for first time on my M1 Silicon Apple computer. Metro builder worked without any pro
i'm trying to create a view controller programmatically that will be opened if a cell on a table is clicked. i'm using a table view and i'm filling it with a xi
In an iOS app (using UIKit), a specific action should be performed when a UIView has been "seen" by the user for at least 30 seconds. A generic approach or an e
I want to create a local backup of the CoreData sqlite file, and then have the user choose the save location with a popup. I've attached the following fileExpor
So I'm digging into combine and this question came up. Is there any real difference between using CurrentValueSubject (and setting its value using currentValue
I have a horizontal collection view in my project which has 2 elements - a button and a label. Button and label are stuck to each other and then I want to show
Can anybody help me? I can't find any description of the localization in Swift UI. Can anyone please give advice or better an example of how to localize for exa
The problem I'm using a UITableView to show the list of transactions of a credit card. If the transaction is a chargeback, I'm adding a strikethrough style to
I have one button on screen and on that button tap it opens one modal (view). but after closing that view, the focus of accessibility voice over goes on top of
I need to create a single dashed line. I tried going about it by creating a Rectangle view with a dashed stroke. However, when setting the height of the rectang
I added unit test target to my existing project, but while @testable import Product_Module_Name getting error "Failed to load module 'Product_Module_Name'". I
i added Unit test target to existing project, when i @testable import Product_Module_Name in test class i am getting Missing required module 'Firebase' i am u
Given the following struct: struct PeopleList : View { @State var angle: Double = 0.0 @State var isAnimating = true var foreverAnimation: Animatio
I have been trying to build, to no avail, the Cookbook under Xcode 13.2.1. I get "Analyze Failed" with the following errors: Stk: Command CompileSwiftSources fa