I have PHP 8.0 Ubuntu 20.4 running in a VM Symfony Version 5 doctrine/orm 2.8.2 doctrine/dbal 2.12.1 doctrine/migrations 3.1.1 and oracle19c running I have als
I want to upload an image from react native app to backend in symfony via axios. here is the code of the front end : const [pickedImage, setPickedImage] = u
With Symfony 4, I don't have this problem : a simple form to choose or edit the role of an user with a listbox. Since I start a new project with Symfony 5 (with
My data in database: My objective is to retrieve all data of company collection (MongoDB) data from the database. The company collection holds one or many truc
I am trying to get the birthday from the Google API, but the retrieved data in HWIOAuthBundle do not contain it. I am wondering if the specified scope for goog
Is there a way that I can mark a Doctrine migration as "ran" or "executed" in the way that it won't be shown as a migration that needs to be migrated? app/cons
I created an API on Symfony which produces more than 1 million entries by day into one of the MySql tables. This table structure is defined this way: After s
I made a website and put it on a local Linux server. I can access it without problem on Chrome and IE but firefox outputs this : Authorization Required
I would like to override the register form from FOSUserBundle. I have followed this page: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/1.3.x/Resource
How to check if variable is a number, integer or float? I can't find anything about this. Making project in Symfony 3.
I installed the Sonata admin bundle. After installation i refresh my page there is the cache problem then i use the following command to remove the cache: rm -
I'm using the SentryBundle to integrate Sentry in my Symfony app. I don't want to record "NotFoundExceptions", so I configured the bundle this way: sentry:
I want to add a stylesheet class attribute to most of the fields, but not all. public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) { $builder
I'm working on a symfony 5.4 application that uses webpack / encore. I want to use the tomselect javascript plugin. i installed it with yarn and want to import
I am studying https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.6/reference/working-with-associations.html but I cannot figure out what cascade merge
To validate a form I am using a standard: {{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn btn-sm btn-danger'}, 'label': 'Submit form'}) }} I want to insert
When testing my Symfony 2.8 based webpage with Google PageSpeed Insights I am getting warned, that the HTML code is not minified. This is true, while Assetic
I am not sure if this is possible in Symfony so I came up with a question. The high-level scenario is: A request on the API (built in Symfony) must return the
How to ignore on duplicate entries using Doctrine2? Error example: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'symfony' for key 'UN
I'm having some problems with lexik JWT bundle and Symfony 6.0, for swagger I use NelmioApiDocBundle. The thing is, that every in swagger works before I decide