I am working through part4 of Symfony2, and while updating the controller and helper class code i got the following error message Undefined method 'getLatestBl
I am faced with a problem that gives me this error: A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\User" (configured l
I'm working on tests for a Symfony2 project, and right now I'm looking for a way to create tests involving entity objects without persisting them. The problem i
Symfony 4 do build in Dev mode but do not in Production mode while producing the error: Attempted to load class "WebProfilerBundle" from namespace. The WebPr
I've been using my Attachment entity based on the cookbook recipie How To Handle File Uploads With Doctrine in Symfony 2.3. It works well, even in functional t
I'm sending POST request by postman with header application/json and the body: { "name": "user" } And when I try to get this parameter from the request obj
I can't create a new Symfony project as described in the Symfony Documentation: https://symfony.com/doc/4.3/setup.html This is the command I use: symfony new -
[edited on 19th june] The question is not regarding the content of the logs, but why logs doesn't not appear in my symfony profiler My symfony profiler doesn't
When I execute the command: composer require symfony/apache-pack It doesn't create an .htaccess file as it is cited in the documentation here. How can I fix
I'm trying to setup a symfony project i cloned from github, i'm new to setting up symfony and need help. I've done composer install but it won't come up with th