Category "syncfusion"

Calculate number of pages in docs file by dot net and C# and Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core Package

I have a .net Core 3.1 webapi. I want to get the number of pages are in docs and doc file. Am using the Syncfusion.DocIO.Net.Core package to perform operation

infinite loop on loading workDays ejs-schedule

I am trying to load working days through a function, I need to load days by calling a function so that I can validate which days it works. For all other parame

Syncfusion EJ2(EJS) Schedule. Cannot populate from JSON

I'm having trouble data binding JSON to the SyncFusion Schedule. Referring to this article In my .cshtml I have this <div class="col control-section">

customizing event buttons editor window in syncfusion scheduler with angular 8

I'm working on angular 8 application which integrates syncfusion scheduler. I would like to customize the editor window that shows after double click in cell sc

How to listen how many bytes written to storage while saving excel file in syncfusion_flutter_xlsio?

I am using syncfusion_flutter_xlsio library for generating excel file and saving it. When my data is so big I have to present progress. How can I perform it? Wo

ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC Routing issue with IIS Default Web Site

New information: After much messing around with trying to manipulate the URL I almost got it working but not quite. Then I discovered that it works without any