Category "tags"

XML: delete unwanted tags but keep text content

I am trying to tidy up a corpus with way too many tags. To do this, I want to filter out/remove the useless tags but keep the text content. I'm quite new at wor

Livewire retrieve Data from a relation manyToMany

in my blog project using livewire, i have a relationship manyToMany between tables posts & tags using a pivot table call post_tag when i want to edit a pos

Custom Element (HTMLElement) allowed as child of list (<ul> and <ol>)?

I figure this is not allowed: <ul> <my-li> #shadow-root <li> <span>hello!</span> </li> </my-li>

Cloud Run remove revision tag through CLI

Is there a way to remove a tag(through CLI) that I've set on a cloud run revision when doing a deployment? I can see how to do it through the UI, but I need to

how to check if tags exists - azure policy

I'm trying to check if the tags do not exist in a resource. the tags are inserted from an array parameter named ExcludeTags, in the following format: Key;Value,

Is there any way to tag all resources through serverless?

I am adding tags using serverless and my service also using other resources e.g. kinesis. Is there any way to add tags in kinesis through serverless?

using Django "include" template tag as nested - side effects?

Does anyone know or have any experience about bad side effects of using "nested include tags"? (I mean including a template file which itself includes another t

How can I download all tags in the 'Posts' table?

If I write "select Tags from Posts WHERE Tags IS NOT NULL" on site I can only download 50,000 rows. How can I get all rows?

How can I use dynamic whitelist on yairEO/tagify?

I'm working on a WordPress project with PHP & MySQL and I am using Tagify for create some tags. The trouble is that I want to have a dynamic whitelist based

Filling in input type=file

I know that prefilling of <input type = file /> tags in HTML is not allowed due to security reasons. But is there any automated way through scripts of any

Azure Policy - Find Ressources without Tags

Is it possible to define a Policy to find Resources without Tags? I would like to define this Policy to list all of Items at the "Compliance" Point at the Polic

Is there any possibility for document paragraph-level tagging and filtering, e.g. by VBA or C#?

The MS Word document has the ability to mark tags at the file level, which can be used from Windows Explorer to make it easier to search for files by document&r

How do I display number of selected items in checkbox?

How do I display the number of selected items? I've tried different ways to count the checkbox but it did not count the items when I click "select all". I want

Add tag/label on top of images flutter with relative position

I am building an Instagram clone (specifically image tag feature). I am able to put tags on top of images the user uploads but when the screen size/orientation/

Always keep EC2 Instance running even if it was stopped based on its TAG

I have some EC2 instances with specific TAGs that are monitored by event bridge and if some action occur the instance must be stopped and then started again. Th

Convert PHP array into HTML tag attributes separated by spaces

I need to convert a PHP array into HTML tag attributes, with spaces and quotes, this is an example: $array=array( 'attr1'=>'value1', 'id'=>'examp

Tags not working in Unity C#

I wrote the following code to damage my player, however it is not working. I have checked as many times as I can for coding errors, and I know my problem is the

jenkins trigger build if new tag is released

I want to configure jenkins so that it starts building if a new tag is released in any branch of an git repository. How do I configure this behaviour? Triggeri

read | extract | export URI from qr code image with browser as a link | Is this possible with a tag, css class, some short js?

qrcode image for scan or click. Is it possible to read the qr code of an image with the browser without an add'on or extension and if i click to the image it wi

HTML Links with anchor and pixel

I am looking for a solution without javascript, where I can use an link like this: <a href='#link1 +60px'> This is just an example for easier understandi