Category "tampermonkey"

tampermonkey script loading local files

I created a tool using HTML, CSS and JS. I would like this tool to be accessible with TamperMonkey. I found a TamperMonkey script where the creator did not add

How to close chrome browser window using tampermonkey

Am trying to close chrome browser windows using tampermonkey but am not getting desire result fully. the code works when there is time out condition occur , it

Type text into a React input using javascript (Tampermonkey script)?

I'm trying to make a Tampermonkey script that'll automatically enter text into some form input fields. Normally, you can do this with just: myElement.value =

Tampermonkey/greasemonkey youtube redirect script from /shorts/* to /watch?v=*

No idea how to code, but the title should explain what I'm after. If I go to I would like to automatically be redirec

Changing default value of DOM JavaScript for

Here's a script got from I tweaked a bit, instead of downloading video it downloads Mp3. When I click on the "Download" button. It opens this page ,

Is the Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) pattern really necessary when writing userscripts?

My question is quite similar to What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?, however it concerns userscripts (specifically for GreaseMonkey)