Category "tcp"

Convert UDP to TCP - Ngrok TCP => UDP

I'm in a hurry at the moment. My Question is, is there a way to forward UDP to TCP port? I need this for hosting a game server for my friends, I want to host C

Why is socket linger used after socket close?

I looked at documentation about this but shouldn't a socket linger be declared before the close so the program doesn't immediately abort before it knows what ki

TCP Send Buffer not doing anything

So i am experimenting with socket buffer sizes and have created 2 test cases Case 1[server sends data to client] First we have a server which sends 100 bytes of

How to properly close a Node.js TCP server?

I couldn't find a clear answer on Google or SO. I know a net.Server instance has a close method that doesn't allow any more clients in. But it doesn't disconne

Socket programming, what about "CLOSE_WAIT", "FIN_WAIT_2" and "LISTENING"?

I am writing a socket based C application which seems to behave in a very unstable way. The code is standard socket handling on TCP port 6683, and I know it has

SQL Server not listening on IP address even if TCP/IP is enabled

I am trying to set up MS SQL Server Express 2019 to listen on TCP/IP and connect to it through IP address instead of shared memory. I am currently connecting th

Consume TCP stream and redirect it to another Sink (with Akka Streams)

I try to redirect/forward a TCP stream to another Sink with Akka 2.4.3. The program should open a server socket, listen for incoming connections and then consum

Can we send data from an android device to another android device directly (p2p) without server in the middle?

I need to send data from one android device to another android device directly(p2p) after they find each other through a server. I read some stuff that this can

Which TCP window update is most recent?

I was writing a TCP implementation, did all the fancy slow and fast retransmission stuff, and it all worked so I thought I was done. But then I reviewed my pack

How to download a file from http using C?

I spent the last days trying to figure out how to download a file from an URL. This is my first challenge with socket and I'm using it to have an understanding

Adb reverse tcp not working on android connected remotely

I am trying to execute reverse tcp command on a android device connected remotely(using adb connect <ip-address>). But I am getting following error while

what exactly is 'flow' in nfdump? can i get tcp sessions with nfdump?

i need to create some statistics from packets in my network interface, but i'm concerned only for my tcp sessions. i thought i could do that with nfdump and nfs

Send client side data Queue to server side through Tcp/IP

I wanna send data from client to server. There are two queues. in client side and in server side. I want to my client to be connected to the server and send all

How to create TCP tunnels with Pagekite

I am a complete beginner when it comes to networking and I am trying to set up a TCP tunnel on my machine using pagekite. I want to route all traffic from a TCP

Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I have an update server that sends client updates through TCP port 12000. The sending of a single file is successful only the first time, but after that I get a

How do I debug error ECONNRESET in Node.js?

I'm running an Express.js application using for a chat webapp and I get the following error randomly around 5 times during 24h. The node process is wr