Category "telegraf"

telegraf output plugin http error with TDengine

I'm working on a monitoring system to retrieve hardware metric by telegraf and store the time-series data to TDengine. But seem the data insertion is very slow

Nodejs Telegram Bot: sendChatAction while waiting for network call

I am writing a Telegram bot using the Telegraf framework in Nodejs, and would like to display the 'bot is typing...' banner while the bot is performing a networ

How to write simple telegraf input plugin

Hello I'm beginner to telegraf, Can anyone tell me how to write simple telegraf input plugin. ("Hello World")...

Best way to reload telegraf configuration when running in a container

I'm running telegraf in a container on my Synlogy NAS. Just asking out there what is the best way to reload the configuration when I make some changes in telegr

Telegraf json v2 parsing

I'm trying to pick out the local_temperature property from a Zigbee TRV. Here is my section from /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf [[inputs.mqtt_consumer]] serv