Category "telegram-bot"

How to use FLow XO and together in one bot

I have a question. Is it possible to use both flowXO and together and single-time in one bot? If so, how to implement it?

Java Telegram Bot to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

I am trying to have a Telegram Bot respond to a user's input and convert C to F (and vice versa). At the simplest level this is a breakdown of what I would like

Weird thing with telegram bot api, can't change title of audio

Some weird thing with telegram api. I am trying to send audio from telegram bot and by the way to change performer and title, but I can't. First of all I thoght

What's the right cmake command to cross-compile for Raspberry Pi from M1 Mac?

My title seems general but I need to compile a project for my Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to use Telegram's Bot API server on it, but it takes a lot of time to comp

TDLib (Telegram Database library) authentication and login example by Bannerets/tdl (Node.js pakage)

I so search about TDLib (Telegram Database library) authentication and login example but can't found any things :(

How to use mtproto telegram api using curl or postman?

I dont want to use python libraries like telethon to interact with telegram MtProto api, instead I want to hit the api directly with http-request like curl or v

How to create a link to contact specific phone number via Telegram?

So I found out I could use a link like this in HTML: <a href="{{phone_number}}" target="_blank">WhatsApp</a>

aiogram bot stops answering messages several minutes after the bot was run

I am new to aiogram and I have a problem: several minutes after running a bot my bot stops reacting to the messages. Is it because of the problems in my code, o

Clear "pending_update_count" in Telegram Bot

I want to clear all pending_update_count in my bot! The output of below command : Obviously I re

Python conflict with keyword "from" in telegram bot

I would like to print user information in Python script using python-telegram-bot referring to this page But when I type print update.message.from keyword .

How to know if user has seen a message sent by my bot in Telegram?

I'm developing a Telegram bot, and I want to know whether a user, that has started a private chat with my bot, has seen a certain message sent by bot, and to kn

send a poll in telethon telegram bot

How can i send a poll? I am trying the following code but it returns no error and the poll is not sent: from typing import Optional from telethon.sync import T

Sending Messages to Discussion on Telegram Channel

I currently have a telegram channel linked to a telegram group. As a normal user, in the telegram channel, there is an option for me to "Leave a Comment", which

Telegram bot and the method getUpdates

I have a question about Telegram bot, I created a bot some weeks ago, it works fine but there is a strange behavior with the method getUpdates; indeed if I use

The asyncio.sleep is "waking up" too early

I am writing a telegram bot, which has to work for numerous users simultaneously. The bot has to send messages at random time during a certain time frame. When

PHP: Telegram Bot: Insert line break to text message

"\n" and "\r\n", tested in text message sent by telegram bot, to create line break. Instead of showing line break, underline _ will appear after using them.

How to get message info by ID [Telegram API]

I'm writing bot for telegram to gather some stats from group chat. I need to get info about every message (from the beginning of chat). I know how can i do it,

Installed python-telegram-bot but still showing "No module named 'telegram'"

Hi I already installed Python-telegram-bot using pip install python-telegram-bot. However, when i run my python file in VS, it shows "No module named 'telegram'

Telegram bot doesn't answer

I'm using the package of eleirbag89 to create my bot on telegram. I'm having some issues on it, it doesn't answer me

How can I send a Carousel like message in Telegram bot?

I've been searching for something like this*pLXaOT2WwxRptVxOvuvX8w.png in Telegram to no avail. Anyone out there can p