I want to create a button that when I click on it will send the file to me in the telegram. from config import TOKEN from telegram import MessageEntity, ReplyK
I need to remove the button from ReplyKeyboardMarkup. I search in Google very well. The telebot library(PyTelegramBotAPI) is used. Thank you in advance :)
I'm writing a Telegram bot and I want it to send a sticker. It is said here, that to send a sticker that already exists on Telegram servers we can simply pass
I use curl to update my public channels. This kind of syntax: curl -X POST "https://api.telegram.org/bot144377327:AAGqdElkZ-77zsPRoAXXXXXXXXXX/sendMessage" -d "
I have a simple bot in Telegram. My "/select" command displays two buttons and each button has its own value. So, if user clicks on a button I can get the text,
I started developing a pet project related to telegram bot. One of the points was the question, how to download a voice message from the bot? Task: Need to dow
I'm building a Telegram bot using pyTelegramBotAPI and I'm facing a problem that it's always returning the second function even when I send a text that doesn't
I use telegram login widget in MVC App , and follow steps as in post telegram-web-login-widget-setdomain-does-not-work Steps As in Post Here is how the di