I am new to machine learning. I got the intermediate result of layer 31 of my CNN using the following code: conv2d = Model(inputs = self.model_ori.input, output
tf.keras.layers.TextVectorization layer maps text features to integer sequences, and since it can be added as a keras model layer it makes it easy to deploy the
I am using TF 1.8 with eager mode enabled. I cannot print the example inside the mapfunc. It when I run tf.executing_eagerly() from within the mapfunc I get "F
I have a Google Colab subscription to use its GPU and to fasten the training of my model. When I ran the code it works for some blocks and then it stops and say
I followed the tutorial here to try to train my model using CIFAR-100. But I'm getting this error. What do I do? ValueError: Data Params Error: The dataset labe
I'm currently implement the sequantial deep matching model (https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.00385) using tensorflow 2.3. And I included the preprocessing layer as pa
I installed tensorflow 2 on my mac using conda according these instructions: conda create -n tf2 tensorflow Then I installed ipykernel to add this new enviro
I want to distill knowledge from a teacher student to a student one, so I implemented a class named OCCSE that inherits from tf.keras.Model and accepts both tea
I'm trying to use BigQuery ML to load a saved tensorflow model to make predictions. However when I run the query that read the saved model in GCS I got the foll
I'm trying to build a model which can be trained on both audio and video samples but I get this error ValueError: Please initialize `TimeDistributed` layer with
It's my first time using sagemaker to serve my own custom tensorflow model so I have been using the medium articles to get me started: How to Create a TensorFl
I have a large list of numpy arrays that I want to feed into a TensorFlow model. I can not concatenate the lists into one due to RAM memory issues. Below, I hav
I am working on an image classification task to classify among cars and buses. The problem is that in most car images, there is buses in the background and vice
I am trying to install and use a package called FinRL. This package has a dependency, StableBaselines which uses tensorflow. It says in FinRL documentation that
I used a convolutional neural network (CNN) for training a dataset and I want to plotting accuracy for this. Before, I tried to use matplotlib but I couldn't su
I've problems integrating Bert Embedding Layer in a BiLSTM model for text classification task. My dataset is in the form where each row has 2 columns: text and
The result is below,I run the project stylegan2, but it fails. So I need help. The link is https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2 File "/home/ubuntu/worksp
I trained my network several times and I already got some results. Then I found out about the Keras tuner and wanted to find the best hyperparameters with it. b
This question is a follow-up of tensorflow 2 TextVectorization process tensor and dataset error I would like to make do a word embedding for the processed text
let say I got two tensor where tensor A has shape (100,7), tensor B has shape (100,7,64). I want to pick the first item from A and B and multiply them by tf.mat