Using tensorflow, I'm trying to reimplement the following architecture (for now I'm focusing on the Generator part): What I've done for now has been defining t
I am trying to use Tensorflow to create a recommendation system. What I want to do is to read data from two csv files, one containing 'item_id' and the other co
So I have a problem when train deep learning with BERT with tensorflow which contain text dataset. So i want to fit() the model but got an error when training.
let say I got two tensor where tensor A has shape (100,7), tensor B has shape (100,7,64). I want to pick the first item from A and B and multiply them by tf.mat
when running the following code from a jupyter notebook in the ec2 instance: from keras.datasets import imdb the following error message pops out: ModuleNotFoun
I would like to process text with tensorflow 2.8 on Jupyter notebook. my code: import re import string import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from
I've loaded in my train and validation sets from CIFAR10 like so: train = tfds.load('cifar10', split='train[:90%]', shuffle_files=True) validation = tfds.load('
I have list of labels corresponding numbers of files in directory example: [1,2,3] train_ds = tf.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory( train_path, label
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from keras import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense f
I want to checkpoint model whenever validation precision and recall improves - this is on top of validation accuracy and validation loss. So I have added follow
I'm trying to call a TensorFlow model on a linspace but I can't seem to get even a very simple example (based on
I'm trying to build a simple word generator. However, I encounter some difficulty with the sliding windows. here is my actual code: files = glob("transfdata/*")
I'm trying to set up tensorflow-gpu on my local machine to train neural networks on my RTX 2070 super. Unfortunately, I get the issue of the environment failing
I have a LSTM model. which when I try to fit i get the error mentioned in the title. I have an array of timeseries data with multiple features I'm feeding as in
i have a problem about my code , i don't know why the value of xtrain ytrain xtest ytest diminue 100 (time_step) - 1 because i have keep the same value like thi
I am training a Keras (Tensorflow backend, Python, on MacBook) and am getting an error in the early stopping callback in fit_generator function. The error is a
It is required to resample audio signals within a custom model structure. This resampling task is not a kind of pre/post-processing operation that can be develo
I want to plot my model using Keras.utils.plot_model function. my problem is that when I plot the model, the input and output shapes do not place on top of each
I know that it can be loaded using tfds.load('nyu_depth_v2') and I have try it but it fails I suspect due to my slow internet connection I have downloaded the d
I'm trying to train LSTM model in Keras using data of variable timestep, for example, the data looks like: <tf.RaggedTensor [[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,