I was training a network and I decided to add more data for training. my data set is selected from another data but both have (460,620,3) and Uint8 type. but wh
I am trying to move my code from Tensorflow to Pytorch. Before doing this, I just simply test myself two frameworks. I expected two frameworks should show simil
I have a code to forecast a time series using an attention mechanism. Here's what I've got so far, but I'm getting an error. def dot_product(x, kernel): if
I have 2 tensorflow (1.15.4) models running sequentially. The output from the first model will be fed into the second model. Is there a way to run the first mod
I would like to generate a Lookup table in TensorFlow with key is string and value is list of strings. But it seems currently no classes in tf.lookup support th
Task: Mask RCNN train_shapes.ipynb tutorial. Training to segment different shapes in the artificially generated shapes dataset. Problem: Matterport's Mask RCNN
I have a new MacBook with the Apple M1 chipset. To install tensorflow, I follow the instructions here, i.e., installing tensorflow-metal and tensorflow-macos in
I wan to use upgrade the CUDNN version from 8.0 to 8.1 and CUDA version to 11.2, but I am not sure how we can do this on colab. Below is the script I wrote to r
I'm following this tutorial: Tensorflow Image Segmentation I want to make my own dataset. Ideally, following the same format as the Oxford pet dataset used in
I use tensorflow for image classification (20 classes) with convolutions. My dataset contains about 20000 train images and 5000 test images. Images (RGB) have 2
I'm having trouble using DataLoader.from_pascal_voc from TFLite Model Maker. I've successfully mounted Google Drive into Google Colab and when I printed the len
I have been using bert and trying to compile the model using the below line of code. model = TFBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased'
Is the GlobalAveragePooling1D Layer the same like calculating the mean with a custom Lambda Layer? The data is temporal, so x has shape (batch, time, features)
I am trying to load a pandas dataframe into a tensor Dataset. The columns are text[string] and labels[a list in string format] A row would look something like:
I am using a Keras network which I am calling predict() many times on a single input. A rough calculation based on the layers gives ~3Mops. Running on my CPU sh
My goal is to use the following dataset from tensorflow-datasets for Machine Learning https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/wider_face import tensorflow a
I am following the TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API Tutorial on a Macbook Here's what I got when running the given script for converting xmls to TFrecords Trac
I have Keras model: pre-trained CV model + a few added layers on top I would want to be able to do model.predict before model.fit Q: how do I instantiate model
I am new to tensorflow. i've tried to fit X and y both shape=8 float64 tensors X as feature set and y as target set. X = np.array([-7.0, -4.0, -1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8
I want to load FaceNet in Keras but I am getting errors. the modal facenet_keras.h5 is ready but I can't load it. you can get facenet_keras.h5 from this link: h