Category "terminal"

Bowtie2 error : " does not exist or is not a Bowtie 2 index"

I'm very new to bioinformatics and RNA-seq so go easy on me. I keep getting the same error when I try perform my analysis. For background: I have a folder calle

Terminal error: zsh: permission denied: ./

I am running a command ./ nginx:start and I am getting this error message zsh: permission denied: ./ why could this be happening?

Open a new terminal tab and run a command inside, only after open tab

I'm trying to create a script to open a new tab at my rails project and run rails s inside this tab, to already start my server. My command: xfce4-terminal --ta

Rendering terminal output in the browser

I have a file with a bunch of terminal logs captured with the screen utility. Here's a snippet: [A[0m[27m[24m[J[34m~[39m (base) [38;5;242mbase[39m [35mϱ

Run a command but stay in the shell vs exit

I know that in vim I can type :terminal <command> % to run a command on the file in the current edit buffer. For example and to simplify what I want to d

Unable to stop a C program with infinite loop and printf within on macOS

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { while(1) { printf("!"); } return 0; } This is my program. When I run it in the terminal, I can't

can we customize link detection in VSCODE's integrated terminal

VSCODE can auto-detect links in the integrated terminal as below. Can it be customized? Ex: All email IDs to be opened in the default mail app.

How can I use logical AND (&&) in Powershell?

In terminal I used to run two commands at once using '&&' operator. For example if I want to compile and run C source code I only need to write: gcc co

How do I set the helper path?

I'm trying to install Git-LFS in my Netlify instance, but I'm getting this error. Any ideas on how to fix it?

How to fix "zsh: command not found: python" error? (macOS Monterey 12.3, python 3.10, Atom IDE, atom-python-run 0.9.7)

Since I got Monterey 12.3 update (not sure it's related though), I have been getting this error when I try to run my python code in the terminal: I am using py

"ls" permission denied even though I have read access to the directory [closed]

Although I am the owner (pi) of the directory, still permission is denied pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop $ sudo ls -al total 16 d-wx--x--x 3 pi pi

Getting the following error when I run npx cap sync to run an ionic Angular project in xcode

When i run npx cap sync to run my ionic angular project in xcode I get the following error. [!] The plist file at path `/Users/user/Documents/GitHub/project-nam

Symfony there are no commands defined in the "make" namespace

Following the documentation found here I enter php bin/console make:entity Product in Terminal and get the following error: [Symfony\Component\Console\Exceptio

NHOST TypeError: (intermediate value) is not a function

The following code from NHOST ( import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js' const nhost = ne

zsh: permission denied: /Users/ryanshumway/.ssh

New to programming, and my employer had setup my SSH with Gitlab for me. Now that I'm learning more programming I thought, hey, I'll setup another SSH for my pe

Bash - check if repository exists

I am trying to create if statement which will check if repository with name X exists, if it doesn't => create it. Made following code. It works, but when rep

How to create laravel storage symbolic link for production or sub domain system?

When I worked on laravel local development server php artisan storage:link works fine for me. But when I transfer my site to production server then I saw my pub

How to find the location of a bash file?

I've made an executable .jar file for a terminal game I've been working on. So far, I opened it by typing java -jar name.jar in the Terminal. This worked, but w

Can't Run Go Bin In Terminal

I have been executing my Golang code on Visual Studio in the terminal for the past few weeks. All of a sudden I am trying to run a program I made, and it does n

Can't Run Go Bin In Terminal

I have been executing my Golang code on Visual Studio in the terminal for the past few weeks. All of a sudden I am trying to run a program I made, and it does n