Category "minio"

Issue with okhttp and minio 3.x packages

I have a Java 8 project using Maven to import io.minio minio package. We have been using minio package 8.2.1 but due to this vulnerability we are trying to upda

How to mock the forEach elements which is iterate over the minioclient collection?

I am using minioClient.listObjects to fetch all the objects from s3. It returns the iterable Result<Item>. Here I was iterating over these results. public

Is there an implemented way to use a kubeflow pipeline's output outside the pipeline?

I'm using local kubeflow pipelines for building a continuous machine learning test project. I have one pipeline that preprocess the data using TFX, and it saves

How to retrieve complete Data from the folders that has subfolders. in minio?

using objects = s3Client.list_objects("sample", "samplefolder/sample1") i managed to get into the folder, but i want to print/download the files in the folders

How to create empty folder/object or new file in new folder (not upload) in Minio using Java Api

I am using Java API ( to use Minio Client. I want to create a new folder and a new file (empty or sample

Spatial database architecture with Apache Parquet, PostgresSQL and PostGIS on on-premises bare-metal S3/MinIo cluster

Designing storage architecture for Petabyte-scale geospatial data; starting from scratch. Creating a MinIo cluster to store the objects in S3 buckets. To store

How to get object from MinIO response?

I am using python API to save and download model from MinIO. This is a MinIO installed on my server. The data is in binary format. a = 'Hello world!' a = pickle

How to get minio-server version in docker?

By using minio server in docker, i installed and started using it before couple of months ago, now i need to know what version of minio server i am using. Also

Dockerized Minio for local use not accepting files

I would like to use Minio locally to replicate an S3 like storage. Installed through docker : sudo docker run \ -p 9000:9000 \ -p 9001:9001 \ --name minio

AmazonsS3Client throws UnknownHostException if attempting to connect to a local service (MinIO)

In Short: Using AmazonS3Client to connect to a local instance of MinIO results in a UnknownHostException thrown because the url is resolved to http://{bucket_na

minio kes and Hashicorp vault using docker-compose

I want to use KES and Hashicorp vault to encrypt files in minio. Without using docker, I managed to encrypt files using these servers. My problem is that I want

How can I change bucket name in MinIO?

I have a Minio cluster that we you as on-promise object storage, We want to change bucket name in it, How do I do this?

How to bulk remove objects in minio with golang

I'm trying to bulk remove objects in minio as described here: objectsCh := make(chan minio.ObjectInfo) // Send object names that are needed to be removed to ob