I have a Java 8 project using Maven to import io.minio minio package. We have been using minio package 8.2.1 but due to this vulnerability we are trying to upda
I am using minioClient.listObjects to fetch all the objects from s3. It returns the iterable Result<Item>. Here I was iterating over these results. public
I'm using local kubeflow pipelines for building a continuous machine learning test project. I have one pipeline that preprocess the data using TFX, and it saves
using objects = s3Client.list_objects("sample", "samplefolder/sample1") i managed to get into the folder, but i want to print/download the files in the folders
I am using Java API (https://docs.min.io/docs/java-client-api-reference.html) to use Minio Client. I want to create a new folder and a new file (empty or sample
Designing storage architecture for Petabyte-scale geospatial data; starting from scratch. Creating a MinIo cluster to store the objects in S3 buckets. To store
I am using python API to save and download model from MinIO. This is a MinIO installed on my server. The data is in binary format. a = 'Hello world!' a = pickle
By using minio server in docker, i installed and started using it before couple of months ago, now i need to know what version of minio server i am using. Also
I would like to use Minio locally to replicate an S3 like storage. Installed through docker : sudo docker run \ -p 9000:9000 \ -p 9001:9001 \ --name minio
In Short: Using AmazonS3Client to connect to a local instance of MinIO results in a UnknownHostException thrown because the url is resolved to http://{bucket_na
I want to use KES and Hashicorp vault to encrypt files in minio. Without using docker, I managed to encrypt files using these servers. My problem is that I want
I have a Minio cluster that we you as on-promise object storage, We want to change bucket name in it, How do I do this?
I'm trying to bulk remove objects in minio as described here: objectsCh := make(chan minio.ObjectInfo) // Send object names that are needed to be removed to ob