Category "terraform-provider-gcp"

Load local CSV file into BigQuery table with Terraform?

I'm new to terraform. Is it possible to load the content of a CSV file into a BigQuery table without uploading it to GCS? I've studied the document below, but t

Terraform check if resource exists before creating it

Is there a way in Terraform to check if a resource in Google Cloud exists prior to trying to create it? I want to check if the following resources below exist i

Terraform file for gcp, how to input path for json key

I am studying trying to learning how to deploy using Terraform in gcp. Would anyone know how to write the path for the json key in the configuration file mentio

Comparing: should I choose Terraform gcp modules or google gcp modules from git

I'm trying to serve a landing zone on GCP. I'm looking to get a starting repo and I found that terraform is exposing a foundation github repo with GCP modules w

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

Linking a series of GCP disks to corresponding instances dynamically in terraform

I need to dynamically create a variable number of riak instances, each with an attached disk across multiple zones in GCP using terraform. Each attached disk mu

Terraform - iterate over nested map

I am trying to create IAM binding for Bigquery dataset using the resource - google_bigquery_dataset_iam_binding. The requirement is I read the parameters in thi

Error when creating the firebase project using terraform

I am trying to create a create a firebase project using terraform. I am new in it and need some guidance in setting up the firebase project. I am facing an issu

Google Cloud: Pubsub subscription filter expression options

I am trying to put filter in the GCP pubsub subscription. My requirement is to add number of codes in the filter. I am using terraform for that. Here is somethi

Terraform 'Failed to instantiate provider' for GCP error on Mac OS X

Yesterday, Terraform was working fine on my Mac OS X laptop. Today I started using it, and I'm getting an error I've never seen before. I am using the google cl

Provision a GCP VM instance with no external IP via Terraform

Trying to create a VM in GCP via terraform with External IP as None. network_interface { network = "projects/other-project-name/global/networks/network-name"