I tried to create an AWS security group with multiple inbound rules, Normally we need to multiple ingresses in the sg for multiple inbound rules. Instead of cre
Not able to create s3 bucket from terraform code to create s3 bucket. I have code uses: hashicorp/terraform-github-actions/[email protected] env: TF_AC
I am learning terraform. I want to print values of variables in "plan" stage. So I found how to do it. seems I am doing something wrong here.... in variables.tf
I need to dynamically create a variable number of riak instances, each with an attached disk across multiple zones in GCP using terraform. Each attached disk mu
I have some terraform code that uses a map of tfvars to deploy multiple lambdas to Aws. it all works fine except I want to run the script in a Jenkins pipeline
Did someone managed to enable via terraforms Insights for a VM? i'm able to create a VM, enable logging, but not enable insights.. i've seen this question: but
I'm very new to Terraform and am trying use it to replicate what I've successfully created via the AWS console. I'm trying to specify a "SSM Run Command" as a
i have been tasked to write the below code with minimal lines, rather having 3 resource blocks can this be done in a single block using for_each function. It sh
Working on setting up DC/OS on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. I'm using the main.tf provided in the official documentation. Every time I run terraform init I
In Terraform, how can access the values from the variable below? variable "egress_rules" { type = list(object({ from_port = number to_port = number
Apple M1 chip doesn't support hashicorp/template and which result in the below error ╷ │ Error: Incompatible provider version │ │ Provi
I have this code in terraform: data "archive_file" "lambdazip" { type = "zip" output_path = "lambda_launcher.zip" source_dir = "lambda/etc" sou
I have this code in terraform: data "archive_file" "lambdazip" { type = "zip" output_path = "lambda_launcher.zip" source_dir = "lambda/etc" sou
My requirement is to create a Logic App that will receive some inputs from other resources like Azure Data Factory and send out an email. I created this setup u
The issue: I'm not sure how to begin problem solving this or where to look for errors. Setup: Running a node.js backend via GCR and it's hitting a postgres db o
I've created this folder structure: . ├── main.tf └── terragrunt.hcl # FILE: terragrunt.hcl include { path = find_in_par
I want to create a data archive_file with selected files and folders as source_dir. I have the folder structure as below. Within the src directory, I have lambd
I have an RDS cluster I built using Terraform, this is running deletion protection currently. When I update my Terraform script for something (example security
Can anyone provide an example of how to add an Azure VM Scale Set (VMSS) to an application gateway's backend pool using Terraform. I can only find one example
if I activate AGIC for AKS via Terraform for an existing Application Gateway: addon_profile { ingress_application_gateway { enabled = true