Category "tesseract"

Opencv facing an error for tesseract module not found even after installations

Opencv facing an error for tesseract moule not found even after installations pip install tesseract opencv reinstallation also done but it wont work. opencv i

Permission Error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'traccert/tesseract.exe' while run our flask application

When I run the application on local host, its working fine, but when I run the application on heroku and try to convert the image to text its show an error. You

Extracting Handwritten text values from a image using Tesseract-OCR library Python

Looking for extracting handwritten text from uploaded image. I am tried using OCR library Tesseract() in Java API/Python with pytesseract. DataPath, Language en

Pytesseract OCR - config options to help for these license plate images, and quality questions

I am trying to use PyTesseract to extract the text of license plates that I have recognized using another library. I will paste below the raw images extracted t

Tesseract returns nothing for Arabic words/letters

I have installed Pytesseract and it's working perfectly on French/English text and also in numbers. But when I try to read any Arabic text/letter it doesn't ret

How to install language in tesseract OCR

I have installed tesseract OCR and it has only 'eng' and 'osd' in the language list. I need german language. I tired following command brew install tesseract-

Unable to read image text with python tesseract and OpenCV

I am trying read text from this using Python with OpenCV. However, it is not able to read it. import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot

OpenCV: Architecture "aarch64" is not supported for Apple M1, but for Intel it's ok

I have a simple application with tesseract with Kotlin. It works great on macos intel. But when I try to run it on Apple M1, this error happens: Exception in th

Pytesseract: Error opening data file \\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\en.traineddata

I am trying to use pytesseract on Jupyter Notebook. Windows 10 x64 Running Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda3, Python 3.6.1) with administrative privilege The work

Java TESSERACT create byte[] instead of pdf file - tessInstance.createDocuments()

Is it possible to generate with Tess4j the byte[] of a PDF with OCR instead of a physical file? I need to make PDF files searchable via OCR, it works but I woul

Multiprocessing OpenCV in Python

I have a simple Algorithm, I want to run it fast in parallel. The algo is. while stream: img = read_image() pre_process_img = pre_process(img) text

TesseractOCR not working for Laravel

Hi I tried to read image content from laravel using TesseractOCR. This is my controller, <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use TesseractOCR; cla

Failing to deploy flask tesseract app to heroku

I wanted to deploy my tesseract app to heroku but it is always 'unable to locate package tesseract-ocr' and is unable to deploy it. I was following this tutoria

Difference between two pip3 packages: pytesseract vs tesseract [closed]

What is the difference between these two packages? pip3 install pytesseract pip3 install tesseract

gcc error on install of tesseract-ocr

I am trying to run the following code on my mac. import Image enter code here`import pytesseract im ='test.png') print pytesseract.image_to_string(