Category "tesseract"

Pytesseract OCR - config options to help for these license plate images, and quality questions

I am trying to use PyTesseract to extract the text of license plates that I have recognized using another library. I will paste below the raw images extracted t

Tesseract returns nothing for Arabic words/letters

I have installed Pytesseract and it's working perfectly on French/English text and also in numbers. But when I try to read any Arabic text/letter it doesn't ret

How to install language in tesseract OCR

I have installed tesseract OCR and it has only 'eng' and 'osd' in the language list. I need german language. I tired following command brew install tesseract-

Unable to read image text with python tesseract and OpenCV

I am trying read text from this using Python with OpenCV. However, it is not able to read it. import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot

OpenCV: Architecture "aarch64" is not supported for Apple M1, but for Intel it's ok

I have a simple application with tesseract with Kotlin. It works great on macos intel. But when I try to run it on Apple M1, this error happens: Exception in th

Pytesseract: Error opening data file \\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\en.traineddata

I am trying to use pytesseract on Jupyter Notebook. Windows 10 x64 Running Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda3, Python 3.6.1) with administrative privilege The work

Java TESSERACT create byte[] instead of pdf file - tessInstance.createDocuments()

Is it possible to generate with Tess4j the byte[] of a PDF with OCR instead of a physical file? I need to make PDF files searchable via OCR, it works but I woul

Multiprocessing OpenCV in Python

I have a simple Algorithm, I want to run it fast in parallel. The algo is. while stream: img = read_image() pre_process_img = pre_process(img) text

TesseractOCR not working for Laravel

Hi I tried to read image content from laravel using TesseractOCR. This is my controller, <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use TesseractOCR; cla

Failing to deploy flask tesseract app to heroku

I wanted to deploy my tesseract app to heroku but it is always 'unable to locate package tesseract-ocr' and is unable to deploy it. I was following this tutoria

Difference between two pip3 packages: pytesseract vs tesseract [closed]

What is the difference between these two packages? pip3 install pytesseract pip3 install tesseract

gcc error on install of tesseract-ocr

I am trying to run the following code on my mac. import Image enter code here`import pytesseract im ='test.png') print pytesseract.image_to_string(