Category "testing"

Having problems with testing angular app / ERROR: 'DEPRECATION: describe with no children (describe() or it())

After runned my test with this artist-detail.spec.ts import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'; import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angula

How do I keep writing in the same JSON file within cypress?

I'm currently setting up a test scenario that allows me to create a random email, and I would like to do more series of tests and keep writing on the same JSON

Is it possible to use Dependency Injection with xUnit?

I have a test class with a constructor that needs an IService. public class ConsumerTests { private readonly IService _service; public ConsumerTests(IS

Is there a way to disable the `takeScreenshot()` action when an OpenTest test fails?

Sometimes it's useful to do something like loop an AssertElementNotVisible() until the element in question is visible. However, the takeScreenshot() event is qu

Selenium browser persists after a test is finished

I am using Firefox and the Selenium IDE plugin. I have a test for the login of my application. After the end of the test the browser stays logged in and the ses

How Do I Seed My Database in the setupBeforeClass Method in a Laravel 4 Unit Test?

I have a Laravel 4 test class with some tests for which I want to seed my database before running the tests. Using the setup() function to reseed for each test

Way to add pytest options outside top level conftest?

I have a project that defines testing support modules, including py.test plugins in a package subdirectory like this: bokeh/_testing ├── __in

How can I save API response body or property in an environment variable or json to use it later in other requests in Cypress

API runs locally(and in future in a circleCI container) so I don't need to stub responses, only real requests and real responses. When I send a POST request, it

TEST CONDITION vs. TEST SCENARIO (same or different?)

I have been searching for the difference between TEST CONDITION vs TEST SCENARIO, it seems that they are the same. Can anyone explain to me the difference? And

Alpine Docker ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied

So I have used the default docker for testcafe which on docker hub is testcafe/testcafe and I have to run a few testcafe scripts. However, I need the screens

.detectChanges() not working within Angular test

I've been tasked with writing tests for a chat app developed with Angular. Below is the snippet of Angular template code I'm currently writing tests for: <

Anlysing branch prediction accuracy with certain pipelinedepth

Currently I'm studying about branch prediction accuracy and the relation with pipelinedepth and/or using parallel fetching (f.e. in superscalar processors). Is

How to select option in drop down protractorjs e2e tests

I am trying to select an option from a drop down for the angular e2e tests using protractor. Here is the code snippet of the select option: <select id="loc

Testing gin based REST API not getting params while using net/http/httptest

I am developing a REST API based on Gin Go, the endpoint looks something like below: func carsByType(c *gin.Context) { fmt.Println("Go Request in Handler...

How to remove skipped tests from html report

I am using pytest for automation. I have so many test cases and have one test cases as skipped test like below, def test_step(index, description): """ Logs

Perform Drag&Drop with Cypress

I've tried for some days to perform an e2e test that performs a Drag&Drop event in Selenium, and after several ways to resolve this, someone told me about C

How can I create parameterized tests in Rust?

I want to write test cases that depend on parameters. My test case should be executed for each parameter and I want to see whether it succeeds or fails for each

Verify color in selenium ide

I am actually looking at selenium IDE for testing many parts of websites, so I am new at this. I have been looking for verifying css styles attributes (for exam

Test process.env with Jest

I have an application that depends on environmental variables like: const APP_PORT = process.env.APP_PORT || 8080; And I would like to test that for example: A

Can we run/test desktop applications on browserStack?

Can anyone let me know whether we will be able to run/test desktop applications on BrowserStack? I'm exploring options to test one of the desktop applications o