Category "textinput"

How to get value from TextInput and set it with Button React Native?

I want to assign the username I get from a TextInput to a username variable via a button and output it in the text below. Meaning, if the user enters the userna

TextInput start from right to left, React native

I have a TextInput like in the image, when the text too long, it starts from right to left although I added CSS textAlign: 'left' but it does not work. It happe

TextInput got hides behind keyboard in react-native

I am creating chat UI in react native in which I want the first section (where the messages are shown) should be scrollable. The TextInput should be at the bott

React Native TextInput flickering on setState

I am building a Currency Input component using React Native TextInput. While the user is typing, the requirement is that the text should always be format in thi

Focus Picker component on react native

I have a Picker component as a part of a form on react native. I want to focus the picker when the user click on the submit button on the keyboard just as I can

Why <TextInput> cannot be focused when inside an absolute positioned parent container <View> in React Native?

I have a TextInput component that is located inside a View with a style setting of position: "absolute": const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('Test');