Category "token"

Corda - Redeem Tokens - Token SDK + Accounts

I'm trying to use the token SDK for the first time and I am not being able to redeem the correct amount of tokens from a specific Corda account. How I am issuin

Flutter-What is the point of using bearer-token or something

I read something like this: 1-Once a user logs in, you can generate a token and store it in MySQL database and share the same token with the response of login A

When I am trying get cookies it gives me error as -> TypeError: Cannot read property 'token' of undefined

I have created jwt token as follows: const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const userSc

Cannot resolve symbol 'FirebaseInstanceId' Android

I started to encounter this error when I upgraded the version of the project to androidx. I also upgraded the firebase sdks. I started getting error "Cannot res

Corda responder flow not answering

I created a very easy flow test with IntelliJ. @Test public void dummyTest() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Party Alice = alic

Tokenization of Compound Words not Working in Quanteda

I'm trying to create a dataframe containing specific keywords-in-context using the kwic() function, but unfortunately, I'm running into some error when attempti

Error with git push using new personal access token

I am unable to push to git after generating a new personal access token. I've looked around at similar questions but think that I may have a more fundamental mi

Deply ERC20 token to cross / multiple chains?

I have a new Erc20 token built on Polygon network and available on Polyscan, how can I make it available on Binance smart chain as well, the same way like other

Handling the token expiration in fastapi

I'm new with fastapi security and I'm trying to implement the authentication thing and then use scopes. The problem is that I'm setting an expiration time for t

Connect to Azure SQL - Token Based

I've tried this over on the Rstudio forums and they've suggested i post here/azure support. Azure doesn't seem to be helping right now so if anybody has any sug

Python2 tokenization and add to dictonary

I have some texts that I need to generate tokens splitting by space. Furthermore, I need to remove all punctuation, as I need to remove everything inside double

is there away to get the elements out of strtok and restor them into another string to do operations on them?

this code is to take an equation from the user in the form of a string and then the program configures the confessions and store them in a dynamic array; now I

Websockets token authentication using middleware and express in node.js

I use node.js, express and express-ws that is based on ws Express-ws allows to create express-like endpoints for websockets. I am looking for a solution to a

Authorazation with JWT Token - How to get Authorized Automatically

I'm having a problem getting a user to be authorized. I'm making a web Api and in the controller where the login method is, it creates a token (JWT Token / Bear

How to get access token in LeftNavigation in Shared folder that was returned through using AddMsalAuthentication in program.cs for authentication

In Blazor WASM, I want to display or hide some of the menu based on user roles. For that I need Access Token once user authenticate and I will pass that token t

How to transfer custom SPL token by '@solana/web3.js' and '@solana/sol-wallet-adapter'

Hello I am trying to transfer a custom SPL token with the solana-wallet adapter. However i am having trouble getting the wallet's secret key/signing the transac

Firebase id token generation is broken

Context I am making an Angular web application using firebase messaging. I followed a tutoriel and the documentation to configure firebase successfully (I guess

Embedding paginated report in Power BI Embedded Gen 2 - web application

I have a power bi paginated report which is published in the workspace, powered by a A2 SKU (power BI embedded gen2) so the paginated report workload is already

How can I get a Google Ads API Developer Token

By current Google documentation it's in the "TOOLS & SETTINGS > SETUP > API Center" but now "SETUP > API Center" is not there. What is the current

error: unable to read askpass response from '/home/.cache/Google/AndroidStudio2021.1/tmp/' in ubuntu android studiio

I am trying to push my code to my bit bucket repository but from last few days after update from bit bucket, I have to use token to push code. But I don't know